
  • 经典语录
  • 2024年11月27日
  • 文/竹尚子 在2017年的春天即将盛大绽放之际,笔者再次见到了秦乔红。短短三年的时间,一位说话像春风掠过水面般柔软舒缓的弱女子,从一个小小的4S店销售总监擢升为整个集团三菱、丰田系统的执行董事,同时管理三家4S店。而位于郑州花园路、长江路两家新的店面也即将开业。在整个汽车市场处于低迷不振的当下,秦乔红麾下团队的销售业绩却一直稳中有升,单广丰鑫宝店2016年就实现单店销售1600余台。截至三月初





这种超然物外又使之一回溯到一事一物内部的情感态度,如磁场一样吸引并辐射传承着她的身边每一个人,也使她的团队像无懈可击战队一样,她走到那里团队就到那里光芒就到哪里!在新工作环境中,我看到许多人仍然是三年前就在广本北环跟随打拼老同事。 Qin Jiao's work secret, as she says, is: "A good thing is not in how many people you can attract, but in how many people you can keep and shape! Even if someone has to leave, they still think of this place as home." Years of diligent practice have formed a set of management insights.

Do every task with meticulous care; don't ask for results.

Many people do things from the beginning with an obsession on a result, ignoring the process' significance. Ignoring the process and focusing only on results is short-sighted. It neglects the relationship between process and result and overlooks that results are naturally derived from specific processes. Those who ignore the process for results are dogmatic; they overlook the relationship between process and result, which leads to unsustainable outcomes.

Don't give up or compromise; be tolerant towards others; provide each employee with growth opportunities.

Don't put aside or compromise - this is Qin Jiao's principle for doing things and being a person. She treats each problem employee with sincerity and respect every subordinate from within her heart - it's worth learning for many managers.

Delegate authority without suspicion; give each employee room to soar.

Qin Jiao always emphasizes that her success owes to having encountered a good platform. A good team and leadership were essential factors in her success.

Compare hearts mutually respecting one another; seek team recognition emotionally.

Qin Jiao respects employees deeply! She says: "Originally very sincerely treated subordinates but after some left due to certain reasons I felt unbalanced inside... But later realized that concern & love should not seek return! That way it’s pure happiness."

In these ways, Qin Jiao uses love to treat employees already become part of her life legacy: “If you treat others' kindness hoping for something back then it’s just trading adding impurities & utility value making extremely painful.”
