
  • 经典语录
  • 2025年01月14日
  • 交友宣言语句 1、下辈子,我要做你的一颗牙;至少,我难受,你也会疼。 2、爱你,不是因为你的美而已。我越来越爱你,每个眼神触动我的心。 3、感情是个永久的话题,那是因为受伤的人太多太多。我们说不完,忘不掉,希望遇到一个能够相爱的人,对我们来说是一种奢望。 4、愿得一人心,白头终不离。 5、“我怕来不及,我要抱着你,直到感觉你的皱纹,有了岁月的痕迹,直到肯定你是真的,直到失去力气,为了你,我愿意”











9、三没有完美的爱情,一般没有完美的人。可在i眼里,你却是完美的,因为i 爱上了you,并且 i 也坚信,我们的love将是完美的一起珍惜吧!

10、一如果 i 能回到从前,i 会选择not 认识youdon't是我后悔,是i 不能面对没有your结局。因为彼此伤害过,不可以做朋友;因为彼此相爱过,不可以做敌人。所以,two个人成了最熟悉的陌生人。读它 you欠 me 一個拥抱;删除 it 欠 me 一個吻;储存 it 欠 me 一個约会;如回复 you 欠 m全部;

11、一 你 love me I 是知道s'why i 太任性了; 你 say 我总会长大的, 相互谦让 is 应该's; 你疼 me I 是明白's, 别太宠 me I 会变坏'd.

12、一 离开了 you , my heart 就停止ed 跳动; 看不到 you , my eyes 就失明; 拉不到 your hand , my hand 就失去温度; 看不到 your smile , my world 就只有黑暗!

13、一 你的beauty, 像一朵盛开雪莲花; 你的badness, 像一朵妖冶玫瑰花; 你像一块磁铁,不论 i 在正极还是负极,都被you 深深吸引.

14、一 每分每秒都把 you 放在心上, 想现在's whether everything is okay? 愿亲愛’s always smiling and happy to have a sunny day every day!

15、一 春天’s flowers are fragrant like your beauty, making it impossible for me to resist. Spring raindrops are like your figure in my mind that cannot be erased. My love for you in the heart wishes to share sweet moments with you in spring!

16、一 The packaging is the grandeur of the house exterior and the beautiful sunshade of an ugly woman. The packaging is also the elegant catwalk step of a model on stage.

17、二 世界上最难断的是感情,最难求的是love,最难还的人情,最难得的是friendship,最难分的是family tie 最难找的是真feelings!

18、二 不过,要告诉 y'all,如果有一天 y'all really disappearred,I will cry buckets just like losing myself;(经典语句 www.lz13.cn)I will go mad searching for y'all everywhere!

19、二 没有不会老化's face,no one can make time pass by.no river can dry up,no mountain too high.only this endless love between us will be eternal till forever happiness & eternity!

20、二 You're just as elusive as a cloud,you never want to stay with me. Meeting each other feels like a breeze blowing through,it's hard to guess what emotions lie beneath.Years go by standing at windows pouring countless secrets into night sky... When shall we stop embracing this loneliness?

21、二 人生的本质原本短暂,但是在回忆中变得又长起来幸福本来能用‘I love u’创造很多时候却反而被‘I love u’束缚,让人们孜孜以求乐于使用,以致泛滥成灾至今成为一种病毒,用“I Love U”的方式感染世界,让世界上的每一个人都成为我们的患者。

22二 如果youdie tomorrow,i want ur today;sLove;ifu die right now,i want ur this moment"sLove.

23二 How long can someone keep loving another person?The answer is very long...very long until memories get covered in dust yet still fail to recall the outline of past lovers,long enough that remembering doors lock with rust yet still unable to shut off falling thoughts-this defines the term "endless" when talking about LOVE.

24二 In matters of romance,the highest principle is giving oneself awayto another gender different individual,giving up independent consciousnessand solitary existence,becoming aware that only within someone else"s consciousnesscan one obtain self-awareness.

25二 Each person has their own story,everyone has their own joys and sorrows.This city allows all sadnesses eventually fadeaway.Love does not hide itself.Find joy from its real true feelings!
