9.要想知道,打个颠倒。在探索未知领域时,有时候我们需要颠覆传统观念,从而获得新的洞察,这正是科学研究和技术创新所追求的精神状态,如同地球围绕太阳旋转一样规律而精确地进行着其轨迹变换探索寻找新发现新知识新科技、新方法等等很多方面都是这样的原则指导各行各业包括商业市场及其他所有人类活动场景必须不断改变以适应变化永无止境发展进步永远比过去更加高级化现代化智能化自动化快捷方便安全可靠等等许多方面都是这样的原则指导各行各业包括商业市场及其他所有人类活动场景必须不断改变以适应变化永无止境发展进步永远比过去更加高级化现代化智能化自动化快捷方便安全可靠等等许多方面都是这样的原则指导各行各业包括商业市场及其他所有人类活动场景必须不断改变以适应变化永无止境发展进步永远比过去更加高级化现代化智能 化自动 化快捷方便安全可靠等 等 等...
10.from 无到 有 是件 快乐 的事。而 从 有 到 无 同样 是种 快感。这两句话描述了个人或企业从起始阶段逐渐成长为行业领导者的过程,以及随后可能遇到的衰退期,那些经历过的人都能感受到这份既欢愉又痛苦的情绪波动,就像季节更迭一般,不断循环往复,以此来反思自身以及整个社会正在经历的事情,并且提醒自己不要忘记初心,让成功成为一种持续性的旅程,而不是只是一时半刻的事象存在于历史流逝之中,在这种背景下一切事情都显得那么脆弱而又珍贵,同时也充满了挑战性与机遇性,为未来布局提供了宝贵的思考空间.
11.product market is the billions of citizens, capital market is the millions of shareholders, raw material market is the hundreds of thousands of farmers.The natural world teaches us that different markets have different characteristics and requirements.
12.Let people who know you benefit from your actions, but do not harm those who do not know you; this is what truly makes a good person.
13.Eat bitter to sweeten up, eat through bitterness to never be able to eat again.Knowing when to stop and take a step back in order to avoid overdoing something or getting too comfortable with one's achievements or position in life.
14.Wanting to win once or twice, three years five years later with some intelligence will suffice; wanting to become a century-old enterprise for one lifetime without integrity will be impossible.
15.Study hard and work comfortably; study comfortably and work hard.The balance between effort and enjoyment in learning new things and applying them practically should always be maintained for personal growth as well as professional success.
16.Products equal human nature; quality equals life.Nature provides us with endless examples of how important it is for products (or ideas) to align with their intended purpose or target audience's needs, just like how living beings strive towards survival by adapting themselves accordingly within their environment
17.Looking down on others' unhappiness first indicates insufficient self-refinement.A willingness to learn from others' experiences can help individuals grow both personally and professionally while also fostering empathy towards others' challenges
18.Learn from the least satisfied customers.The importance of listening carefully & empathetically 2 customer feedbacks , understanding their pain points & addressing them appropriately - all these are key aspects which contribute towards building strong relationships w/ customers
19.Management = Serious Love.Careful planning & execution combined w/ genuine interest in people's welfare creates an atmosphere where employees feel valued & motivated leading 2 better performance
20.Ownership management = People Management.In essence this means treating staff members as valuable assets rather than mere tools for achieving business goals which ultimately leads 2 higher levels o productivity efficiency satisfaction etcetera...