
  • 经典语录
  • 2025年02月24日
  • 为什么我不愿意帮你?这不是一个励志的故事,反复提醒我们选择自己的价值。有个读者给我留言,大致是感慨他现在很落魄,却没有人愿意帮他,他深深地失望于人性,觉得世界残酷、人情冷漠。 他的大致情况是,以前不求上进,是个混吃混喝的社会青年,还有过些黑历史,现在浪子回头,想做点小生意,却发现别人都袖手旁观,没人愿意帮他。 他让我想到最近发生在我朋友身上的事儿。我朋友在北京工作过几年,积攒了点人脉








I friend felt sorry for the young woman and decided to share her story with me. She told me that she had been working hard but was not getting the recognition she deserved. She felt like she was invisible and that no one cared about her.

I listened to her story and realized that I had been in a similar situation before. I remembered how I used to feel invisible and undervalued, just like her. But then something changed. I started to take control of my life and my career, and slowly but surely, people began to notice me.

I realized that it wasn't about being liked or loved by everyone, it was about being true to myself and pursuing my passions. And when you are true to yourself, people will start to notice you too.

So I encouraged my friend to do the same thing - be true to herself, pursue her passions, and don't give up on her dreams. And guess what? She started seeing results! People began reaching out to her for help, they started recognizing her talents, and she even landed a few job offers!

She realized that all along, she didn't need anyone's approval or validation - she just needed confidence in herself! So now whenever someone asks me why I don't want
