
  • 经典语录
  • 2025年02月24日
  • 文/入江之鲸 有个读者给我留言,大抵是感慨他现在很落魄,却没有人愿意帮他,他深深地失望于人性,觉得世界残酷、人情冷漠。 他的大致情况是,以前不求上进,是个混吃混喝的社会青年,还有过些黑历史,现在浪子回头,想做点小生意,却发现别人都袖手旁观,没人愿意帮他。 他让我想到最近发生在我朋友身上的事儿。我朋友在北京工作过几年,积攒了点人脉。一个小师妹找到她,让她帮忙内推一下工作。 我朋友拿到她的简历









I friend felt a sense of disappointment and frustration. She realized that it wasn't that no one was willing to help her, but rather she herself wasn't strong enough.

As I reflect on my own experiences, I realize that there have always been people who were willing to help me. For example, when I first started out with my public WeChat account, there were people in the industry who were willing to share their knowledge and resources with me.

When I asked them why they were willing to help me, they said it was because they believed in my potential and saw the energy and ability within me.

The saying goes: "If you truly want something, then the whole world will come together to help you." This is indeed true. When someone is truly determined and has the necessary skills, many people are more than happy to offer their assistance.

I recently met a talented author who had great potential. Because of this potential combined with his hard work and dedication, I was more than happy to introduce him to some valuable resources and share my experience with him.

I am not just doing this out of kindness; every day I see countless people asking for advice on how to build a successful public WeChat account but never take any action themselves. The reason is simple: if you cannot even produce quality content consistently or manage your time effectively enough for daily updates without compromising on quality, it's pointless trying in the first place!

My friend wanted an introduction from me so he could get paid promotion services from someone experienced in this field. But before anything could happen, he needed consistent high-quality content over ten days straight - otherwise his effort would be futile!

He complained about working full-time jobs while still managing daily posts being too tiring! The mentor simply replied: “Of course it's difficult! Only those who can keep up such pace stand out! If you start late like this now...”

The harsh reality hit home - he should either put in more effort or give up altogether!

In summary:

Sometimes we look at helping others as investing our time or connections into them.

People tend not invest where there isn’t much promise for return.

On another hand,

Helping others gives us feelings of fulfillment & joy!

It’s important not just complain about lack of support but also examine ourselves – do we deserve support?

It’s natural human tendency towards self-preservation (and pride) makes us cling onto what’s familiar even if it means stagnation instead of progress; we prefer adding decoration onto success stories rather than lifting struggling ones out from swampy grounds.

And when lost souls call for rescue amidst their swamps

We find ourselves unable or unwilling

to lend a helping hand

Don't ask yourself why nobody helps you; instead ask yourself whether YOU DESERVE HELP OR NOT!

Before bemoaning lack of support,


Can you prove your worth?

Do You Deserve Help?
