If you decide to leave someone, act swiftly; if you decide to love someone, take your time and ensure it's right for you.
Seek professional advice on color coordination. Don't spend the day looking dull; brighten up and don't waste your youth and physique.
Avoid torturing yourself for anyone or anything, such as not eating, crying, isolating yourself, or feeling depressed – these are actions only fools would take. Occasionally being foolish is necessary in life; don't always be smart.
When a woman tells you she likes you, believe her; when she says she no longer loves you, also believe her. At any time, remind yourself that a person who doesn't love you leaving is a blessing.
Never speak ill of others behind their backs unless absolutely necessary; even then say something good about them.
Buy comfortable pajamas for yourself – exposing some skin is fine.
Allow yourself to occasionally watch soap operas but avoid making them a habit; allow occasional disheveled hair but remember the context; permit occasional cursing but only among close friends or when alone and forget the thrill afterward.
Take care of your body – it's your second business card but not at the expense of hard work.
9.Spend quality time with your parents by calling them once a week or having dinner together.
10.Don't destroy your ID or go missing because of someone else's feelings – both love and hate will continue living their lives so end things properly without burdening yourself further.
11.Wear clothes with substance and find women with quality too - they may not be beautiful but should give you security and happiness.
12.Maintain fresh flowers in your home - change the water if needed - before going out-of-town clean thoroughly so as not to return home to swarms of insects.
13.Treat yourself to scented candles when leisurely moments arise - fill the room with pleasant aromas - feel contentment.
14.Eat what makes sense if hungry rather than starving oneself fearing weight gain - this is world’s most absurd behavior from men.
15.If possible keep short hair styles as they look more masculine though long hair has romantic appeal too sometimes less manly charm exists there too maybe due lack masculinity perhaps after all times its better off that way indeed so stay away from those ideas let us just have fun while we can enjoy our days fully now let us go ahead do this thing together now now let me know how much I am doing wrong here please tell me I want my picture taken by one girl first before taking it by another girl next okay?