
  • 经典语录
  • 2025年03月16日
  • 1.世界让我遍体鳞伤,但伤口长出的却是翅膀。 2.不要在小人身上浪费时间,将军有剑,不斩苍蝇。 3.你如果不够优秀,遇上了都不会拥有。 4.你来人间一趟,你要看看太阳,和你的心上人,一起走在大街上。 5、大部分深夜还睡不着的人,要么心里有故事,要么心里有故人。 6.如果可能,找一个你愿意跟他说话的人去爱,只要跟他在一起就有说不完的话,天南海北鸡毛蒜皮,不管快乐还是忧伤的事,都能眉飞色舞的说个没完













12.some memories, no matter how hard you try to forget them, you still pretend not to remember.

13.the best love is not one that ends because of a text message without reply, a careless word, or a friend who doesn't care about it anymore but one where you know he will never leave you even when he walks through the forest and over the mountains and across the seas.

20.when you are married with children in a few years' time, you will also have quarrels and disputes like any other couple, but they will always make up in the end.he will buy a magazine for you while buying vegetables or bring flowers to surprise you.your home is filled with scents of flowers and books.you talk about astronomy and geography as well as family affairs occasionally.going out for movies or traveling together.you have your own rivers and seas,yet happily confine yourself within your kitchen and love.

15.do not expect sudden good luck only hope that all efforts will be rewarded someday.

16.fire pot can be eaten alone,movies can be watched alone walking around stopping now and then feeling cold or warm knowing everything from beginning to end self-sufficient when solitude becomes habit do not crave company again.

17.like cutting off burnt hair what's the use of regretting?as long as we walk on bravely we'll see what happens remember first become someone more liked by yourself then meet someone who does not need to flatter him anyway there's still far ahead bright days ahead

18.if I don't cherish it properly what can I look back on in the future?

19.life has something I don't like too much it always makes those who understand better bear bad feelings and results.

20.today i love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.: if only you were here spring would be so nice : seasons are our journey life is our ocean: holding hands watching dusk ask if porridge is warm enough
