
  • 励志成功
  • 2024年12月31日
  • 1.春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。感谢您辛勤的教导和关怀,让孩子在您的栋梁下茁壮成长。 2.您如同我心中的灯塔,永远高大且璀璨。在您的引领下,我孩子的世界变得如此美丽多彩。 3.能把我那犬子培养得如此优秀,我从心眼里感激不尽。原想等他上高中再来道谢,但看现在的他,不得不早点来表达我的谢意。 4.您的辛劳是我们孩子的动力,我们孩子的成功是您的骄傲。我和我们的孩子将为您感到自豪! 5







6.您,是载送卫星的火箭。 您,是海上的罗盘针。您就是我们孩子最敬爱的老师。谢谢您让我的孩子知道“学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆”。



9.You not only teach children knowledge but also teach them how to be a person, help them develop good habits, are the ideal teacher in our hearts.

10.Teachers are sacred professions, you have no other wishes but to pass on knowledge to your lovely students, and you have no other loves but to dedicate yourself entirely to your beloved profession.From youthful years to white hair, for decades without change, you remain faithful to the Party and the people and devotedly pursue your noble career!

11.As a parent figure among teachers,you ask for nothing except teaching children their ABCs;you love nothing except devoting yourself wholeheartedlytoyour cherished vocation.From youthfulness through gray hairs,you persistently tread along the brilliant path of life!

12.The semester has come to an end;my child's winter break is aboutto begin.My child usedto resist going out when he first entered kindergarten,but now he eagerly waits at the door early in the morningfor his school bus.His adaptability has improved significantly,andhe enjoys himself greatly in class.Your guidance has given him confidenceand happiness.

13.I hope my child can grow up happily under Your careand guidance.Don't worry about my child's imperfections or mistakes.Because You're always there for us with Your wisdom and patience,everything will be alright.

14.Parents like me cherish every moment spent with teacherslike You who bring up our childrenwith love,careand patience.Let's cherish these moments together as we embark on this journey of growthand learning together.

15.To all parents:Thank You so much for everything!You are not just teachersbut guardians who shape our children into compassionate human beings.Your dedication is what makes us proud parents!
