
  • 励志成功
  • 2024年12月31日
  • 家长给老师的话:林清玄经典语录在育儿中的应用 林清玄曾说:“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。”作为家长,我深知您的辛勤付出和对孩子的无私关怀,就像春蚕为死亡织就生命的最后一缕丝一样,您用心培育我们的孩子,让他们在知识的海洋中游泳,从不吝嗒自己的劳动。 “老师你好,你在我的面前永远是那么的高大,你的学识和人品永远是我心中的灯塔。因为有了你,世界才会如此美丽,因为有了你,我的生命才会如此多彩







“像天空一样高远的是您的胸怀、像大山一样深重的是您的恩情,请您接受我诚挚的祝福吧,教师节快乐!”愿这份祝福如同星辰一般璀璨,如同江河般宽广,在Your life中流淌,不断地带来温暖与力量。

“您,是载送卫星的火箭。 您,是海上的罗盘针。您就是我们孩子最敬爱的老师。”感谢您用智慧之光照亮我们的道路,用耐心之舟渡过生活的小溪,让我们的宝贝们知道“学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆”。


"You are like a diligent gardener, we are like the plants you nurture, we wish to be strong in winter for you, bring you greenery in spring, bring you coolness in summer, and yield fruit in autumn!" Thank you for your dedication and care, our children will grow up with your love and guidance.

9."You not only teach them knowledge but also teach them how to be a good person, help them develop good habits," as parents we cherish your presence in our children's lives.

10."Teacher is a sacred profession,you work hard to educate and cultivate students without seeking anything else except their growth."Thank you for all that You have done for my child! We appreciate everything!

11."As a teacher,your passion is contagious,it inspires us to do better ourselves too.The way you handle each student with such care and patience is truly admirable."

12."Every day I see the changes happening within him...the confidence he has gained from being under Your guidance is something no words can express."

13.”It’s because of teachers like You who make learning fun & engaging that kids look forward to coming school every day.”

14.”I am grateful that my child has found an understanding teacher like You who makes learning easy & enjoyable.”

15.”Your patience & kindness towards my child have made me realize how important it is to let go of ego & pride while teaching.”

16.”I hope every parent could understand the efforts of teachers like You who put their heart & soul into educating our future generation.”

17.”As parents we feel blessed to have teachers like You guiding our children through this journey”

18.”I believe it’s because of dedicated teachers like Yourself that today's youth are so much more aware about social issues”

19.”My child was struggling academically until they met You”

20.“Teachers inspire us everyday with their unwavering commitment towards shaping young minds"

21.“We want to thank YOU for making education accessible , affordable ,and enjoyable for everyone”

22.“The impact on society by one passionate teacher can be immense”

23.“Thanks again sir/ma'am"
