8Yesterday's home work makes today's play day easier.
9.,The best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
10.The world is round, so will you go around it or across it?
11.,Action is the antidote to fear. Procrastination feeds fear.
12.,Man can climb to the highest summits; he can descend into the deepest valleys. All this is nothing in comparison with what there is within him — the passions of his soul, his spiritual greatness, the immensity of his thoughts!
13.Success isn't about how your life looks to others. It's about how it feels to you.
14.Failure doesn't mean that you are a failure as a person; it means that your approach was not right for that particular situation.
15.Every step forward brings us closer to our dreams and farther from our fears.
16.Hope never abandons us, even when all other things seem lost.
17.A man who has no confidence in himself is like a useless branch on a tree which cannot produce flowers or fruits any more but only casts shade and creates difficulties for those walking underneath.
18.The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
19.Failure at one attempt does not completely destroy all hope. There may be another chance waiting ahead.
20.Don't wait for opportunity — create it.
21.Effort alone is insufficient without enthusiasm; perseverance without determination leads nowhere high up.
22.Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing being wrong.
23.Any limit starts with yourself.
24.Great men do not avoid difficulties: they conquer them by courage and strength of character.
25.The surest way not to fail — do nothing!
26.Optimists see possibilities where pessimists see obstacles.
27.No matter how long the road seems, we must walk on towards progress; no matter how short the journey appears, we must take action towards success.
28.Tears water seeds sown by others while laughter reaps harvests grown by ourselves.
29.To understand people one must study anatomy: To know them one must study psychology.
30.There are two paths open before us: One path leads away from growth while another leads toward growth — choose wisely!
31.Worrying about tomorrow steals today's joy - think instead!
32.Find reasons why you succeeded rather than excuses why you failed!