
  • 励志成功
  • 2025年01月09日
  • 杨绛的经典语录:给媳妇道歉的话 1.原谅我吧,知道吗,我是因为太在乎你,所以才对你发脾气的。 2.我想,我犯的错误并不太大。能原谅我吗? 3、一颗傻傻的心,在痴痴的等着你的原谅! 4、媳妇,你知道吗?其实我真的很在乎你。平时天天在一块感觉不出什么,但是一旦少了你,心里就空空的,好像少了点什么特别难受。你的一举一动深深地印在我的心里,想起来心里就酸酸的,特别地想你。我想哄哄你









7、原谅我吧!I know I made a mistake, you won't forgive me? Then just keep scolding me! I'll let you scold me to death!

8、You're angry, I'm happy, haha, really happy! Don't want me to be happy? Then don't get angry.

9、Naeufu, I should hit myself, I should yell at myself, all because of not listening to you. My dear daughter-in-law doesn't get angry again?

10、Sorry for this kind of mistake. This is the only time it will happen.

11., Can't you tolerate one error from someone who loves you? If you can forgive me, I will use my actions to make up for my mistakes!

12., Naeufu how about forgiving me? You just draw a line and set a trap and dig a hole; no matter what happens inside the trap or in the hole,

13., We've been together for so long without seriously apologizing; it's really against my nature. Thinking about our current situation makes my heart uneasy too much hope that you will forgive me and not hold any grudges against

14., Though we often quarrel with each other as well as some words said out of anger but in my heart i still love u very much

15., This time really sorry hope u can forgive

16., It was just a joke don't take it to heart!

17,, Maybe i am an idiot but please believe that i did not do it on purpose.

18.. Recently i have been confused under pressure big pressure small mind unable handle stress anymore since coming here with no work done business temporarily cannot operate so got crushed by stress did two sicknesses hurt people money lost... 19.. Naeufu sorry yesterday wasn’t trying hard enough are u feeling better at home hasn’t held anything against

20.. All excuses are pale compared to your forgiveness,i choose silence waiting for your forgiveness.

21.. Naeufu there isn’t enough time spend with u helpless body health bad got sick twice hurt people lost money more than once...

22.. A remorseful person doesn’t know how to start talking but still wants say sorry

23.. Letting u feel sad hurts

24.. Please trust one last time naeufu...

25 .. if north winds blow northward then winter comes in northern regions chasing after northern regions chasing after ur expectations if flying northward why is that because of my fault?

26 .. To My beloved wife: Are ye still hurting ? Knowin' well ill temper n' stubbornness always confusing right from wrong even worse failing trust . Sorry !
