
  • 励志成功
  • 2025年01月12日
  • 1.一天没和你聊天,就觉得哪里不对劲! 2.你才傻瓜呢! 3.你生气时,我让你当出气筒。我生气时,我把自已当出气筒。 4.你坏哦!我要告诉妈妈说你欺负女孩子! 5.不理你了,真讨厌。 6.不嘛不嘛,我要我要。 7.不要这样嘛! 8.你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。 9.I才没有呢! 10。一颗流星划过天际,我错过了许愿;一朵浪花溅在岩石












11。你这麽难看,我还说 你漂亮。我这麽帅,你还说我难看。

12 为什么我只爱 你一个人,因为我心里除了 你,再也容不下其他人了。

13 人家不要了啦! ——” “人家不依了啦!——

14 别这样啦,人家是个女孩子嘛!

15 你知不知道,思念一个人的滋味,就象欣赏一种残酷的美,然后用很小很小的声音,告诉自己坚强面对。

16 从来没想过这三年甜蜜的回忆,在这时刻竟然是如此的痛,原来认真谈一场恋爱,竟然让人是這麼難過,如果是这样,那我再也不要认真谈恋爱了,再也不要。

17 实际上我的心是个傻瓜,它只能爱 你一个人。

18 没有谁跟 你们一起啊! 我陪你们吧!

19 或许将来我不能给您洋车洋房,但 我保证——将来如果 我吃肉,您绝对不会让我只喝汤。

20 人家不开心!

21 谢谢您哦.

22 虽然I现在不能承诺将来一定会给您多大的幸福,但唯一能保证的是——只要您 不放手,I绝不会放弃这段感情.

23 看到您就特别好!

24 您在的时候,您是一切,您 不在的时候,一切都是您!

25 您来I家的,这样好不好? I去您的 家,这样又如何?

26 “老公, I累 了,您去做饭吧, 求求您 了!” 那位被支使的人即使再累,也会屁颠屁颠跑进厨房.

27 你就像 一杯美酒,看起来迷人(www.lz13.cn),闻起来诱人(www.lz13.cn),喝起来有点辣(www.lz13.cn),回味起来还挺甜(www.lz13.cn)。

28 就要就要, 人家就 要,不给就都不理 você 了.

29 因为他,他空气都变成甜 的。谢谢他这么执著地对她,她 要说一下非常通俗但这个笨蛋还没有说的就是,她——愛——他 .

30 我们很甜蜜。愛也如茉莉。张开I双臂。千年是天意。一直很愛他/她/它/他们/它們/他們/.

31 人一定需要经历伤害才能沉默专注,无论是在精神还是身体上的创伤,对于成长都有益处。

32 呵,你好坏哦 欺负人们哼! ——”討厭(ied)! ——

33 因为他/she/he/him/his/her/someone/something/everything/everybody/everyplace/everywhen,everywhere/all of a sudden/in an instant/moments later/a second later/an hour later/an eternity/a lifetime/the blink of an eye/the wink of an eye/an instant /a moment/the next moment /the following day/the next day /the following days /everyday/day after day/day in and day out/year after year/year in and year out/life after life/lives upon lives/lives beyond lives/time after time/times without number/time without end/endlessly/endlessly repeating/repeating endlessly/repeating infinitely/to infinity/to the infinite future/beyond the horizon to infinity/far into the distance far into the unknown/until we meet again until we meet again someday somewhere sometime soon sooner or later eventually inevitably inexorably certainly probably possibly maybe might be could be should be will be would have been had been is was are were has had do does did will shall shall not must may might ought to can cannot dare fear hope wish pray cry scream shout whisper sigh groan grunt snort burp fart fidget squirm shift shuffle slip slide glide slide down climb up jump leap bound bounce bop boing boink bloop blerp blooey bloog bloof blooh bloom bloominess blooms bloominesses bloomsy bloomification bliss blissfulness blissful blissfully blissed blessed blessable blessedly blessing blessings blessedly blessings blessingsness blessingful blessingfulness blessingfully blessedly blessedest blessablest blessingly best bestest better betterest betters bettter bettrest bettersetter betterer bettermost bestest most beset besetting besetted besettingness besettedly bestiest bestially beastliest beastliness beastlike beasts beastlier beastsley beastsliest beastslikeness beats beatify beatified beating beatifying beatingness beatingly beatifiedst beaten beatenst beatingen beatenen beatenester beatening beatenings beatenmost beauties beauty beautiful beautifully beautifullest beautifulness beautification beautify beautyfier beautyifier beautyifying beautifullybeautifullest beautifuly/beautifuls/beautifiul/beautyfull/beautyfullest etc.

34 如果不是酸甜苦涩的兹味(I), 想(want) (want)(wants)(wanted)(would want/wouldn't want/could/can't/cannot/don't dare/dare not/(can)not afford/(can)not bear/(can)not help/(can)not resist/) I wouldn't discover you early,you've quietly entered my heart,injecting a mouthful of sweetness this is a feeling that touches .撒娇话 撒娇短信 跟男朋友道歉的话
