在一次偶然的机缘下,平凡男孩牵牛结识了明星小夏,小夏不小心拿走了牵牛的行李,这突如其来的遭遇开启了一段趣味横生的故事。随着时间的推移,牵牛意外地成为了小夏的人生导师,而善良的他深知这背后是小夏独特的人际交往方式。马英杰是一位成功且充满魅力的年轻CEO,与小夏之间的情感纠葛已被公众所熟知。而对马英杰,小 夏只当作哥哥。在与小夏相处时,牵牛渐渐赢得了她的信任,最终成为她感情生活中的重要人物。然而,当事业和感情同时陷入低谷时,小夏开始反思自己的情感世界。而就在此刻,一场车祸发生,让所有人陷入内疚之中。最终,马英杰接受并支持了他们的情感关系,但在面对过去的小挣扎与内疚后,牵牛选择离开。
牵牛的Summer: Classic Quotes of Inspiring Positive Energy
There is no such thing as fate's misfortune, only the stubborn determination to hold on.
Today has been quite miserable; I've encountered a lunatic.
If she wants to eat fish, you must help her pick out the bones; if she wants to drink alcohol, remember not to let her get drunk.
Cowherd, you cannot die; you are the guardian angel who takes care of Little Summer!
The eyes of a drunken woman are hazy and weakly helpless; it's so pitiful that one can't help but want to protect her.
If she suddenly insists on exchanging shoes with you, make sure to exchange with her.
Generally speaking, women don't drink alcohol; however, drinking women are truly extraordinary!
As my assistant for 365 days throughout the year without rest.
I hope there is someone who doesn't mind my bad temper or habits and won't be bothered by my background; they will always stand beside me until we grow old together unintentionally.
I really don't understand people these days; chasing after stars requires reaching business class now.
If she hits you, pretend it hurts very much; if it really does hurt badly enough that one feels nothing at all.
12.Cowherd: Let me tell you honestly - I can't live without you either
13.Dig deep wells and store up grain in abundance - there are many weapons in a woman's hands for fighting battles which will cause bloodshed when used in combat and flow like springs from wells dug when used for irrigation - this kind of artistic concept rooted in Qin Xianglian-style artistry often leads into emotional appeals akin to Meng Jiangnu crying under heaven then self-perfecting before transforming into Chang'e style shock-crying