6、可可:“Love is the most romantic thing in this world.” 若晴:“Love, it's also the easiest way to cheat someone out of money.”
7、瑾姨:“If you want to control your emotions, remember what I taught you. Men are all the same, aren't they?”若晴: “Betrayers!” 瑾姬: “They will do what?” 若晴: “Lie!”
8、“Destroy a man by making him look ridiculous.”
9,可可: "The 'perfect gentleman' is not a saint. He can be angry and sad too. But if he knows how to cherish and tolerate you, he is your 'perfect gentleman'."
10,可可: "Don't try to please others; be yourself." 若晴:"I don't like eating my own food." 可可:"You always think about yourself and your opinions. You never understand the truth."
11,可可: "You don't have to envy others; encountering someone who makes you feel both pain and excitement is extremely rare."
12若晴:“How many boyfriends have you had?” 可可:"Including last week?" 若 晴:"Yes!" 可可:"Well then, let's say zero!"若 晴:"What? So you still imagine love as beautiful? You haven’t met a perfect man yet!"
13、小安:“But if I don’t tell him, I'll regret it later. It’s better for me to find out than worry unnecessarily."
15,“There are approximately 68 billion people on earth, with about 27 billion between ages 18-38 years old – young men and women looking for love or companionship.” Subtracting females from that number leaves around 10 billion males available.
16艾伦:如果掉落眼睛睫毛,可以许愿哦! 你想许什么愿望?
17 瑾姬:“The more handsome a man is, the worse he must be?” 冰姐“Assholes!”, 琉璃“Assholes!”, 瑾姐“Good! Keep up with the rhythm,”
18“If that person sitting next to me was my father,” said Ifeng Shuqi with her head held high.
19,"This one here," she gestured towards her friend Coco who sat beside her at dinner table," has good looks but lacks common sense."
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