
  • 励志成功
  • 2025年02月11日
  • 1.当你向一位擅长滑冰的人询问成功的秘诀时,他会告诉你:“跌倒后再站起来”,这就是成功的真谛。 2.我不知道别人是如何评价我的,但在我自己的眼里,我就像一个玩耍在海边的小孩,偶尔发现一些平常没有注意到的石子或贝壳而感到快乐,而对于眼前的广阔真理的海洋,却几乎没有察觉。 3.我总是将思考的主题置于面前,逐渐细致地描绘出来,这需要长期的安静与持续的心灵探索。 4.我对自己来说,就像是海滩上玩耍的小孩









8.my success, when I look back on it, seems to me immeasurably less than the long struggles which went to prepare the way for it; almost an afterthought.

9.my success was due to a single quality of my nature - a stubborn refusal ever to give up.

10.to be successful in life is simply a matter of being bold and taking chances.

11.i don't believe that one can reach any great height alone; we were never intended to go the whole distance alone - fellowship is but another name for covenant with God or His instruments by man.

12.i do not know what your destiny will be but one thing i know: those who follow after pleasure frighten no evil spirits at all; all pleasures are shadows, or trickeries of ghosts and phantoms compared with something in reality which denotes here true joy abiding without intermission; that is living with God.

13.the highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become because of it."

14.there are many things you have heard about me that are untrue... there are some things you have heard about me that are partly true... and there may be some things you have heard about me that are entirely true...

15.do not let your fire go out! The flame died down low & flickered sometimes but never really went out till the passion was fully spent away from this world

16.i am sure now that tomorrow i shall meet peggy and establish my demands more promptly than i did today

17.every noble work is at first impossible."

18.success usually comes to those who arc too busy learning."

19.some cause had made them think so much of themselves as members might think themselves as little children playing by the seashore while vast ocean stretched beyond their sight before them"

20.certainly there has been an age since poetry first began which cannot produce its shakespeare nor anything sooner needed!"

21.heaven knows how anyone can bear such cheerlessness day after day"

22.it does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."

23.may god grant us wisdom enough always see right through our own machinations"

24.the only way we can make sense out of change is to plunge into it move with it and join the dance"

25.god doesn't require us t
