
  • 励志成功
  • 2025年02月18日
  • 当你对团队的一些人忍无可忍时,不妨想想他们才是让团队保持有不同意见的源泉。几乎每个企业都很清楚,创新决定着他们的成败:如果难以维持创新步伐,便会走下坡路,而永葆创新活力则会长盛不衰。在美国金融服务科技公司ZestFinance创始人兼CEO道格兰斯·梅利尔(Douglas Merrill)看来,企业只要做到三点,基本上就能永葆创新活力。值得一提的是,此人还是谷歌前首席信息官(CIO)、工程副总裁


当你对团队的一些人忍无可忍时,不妨想想他们才是让团队保持有不同意见的源泉。几乎每个企业都很清楚,创新决定着他们的成败:如果难以维持创新步伐,便会走下坡路,而永葆创新活力则会长盛不衰。在美国金融服务科技公司ZestFinance创始人兼CEO道格兰斯·梅利尔(Douglas Merrill)看来,企业只要做到三点,基本上就能永葆创新活力。值得一提的是,此人还是谷歌前首席信息官(CIO)、工程副总裁。


在1990年度《财富》杂志百强企业中,近66%的企业在二十多年以后“榜上无名”。有人不禁会问,究竟是什么原因导致它们由盛转衰?虽然《财 富》百强企业一般都由精明能干的企业家掌管,但那些落榜企业之所以无缘这一榜单,原因只有一个:他们没有进行创新,也没有开拓新的市场。

在我的职业生涯中,我曾与全球各地的创业者谈到创新的历史。当我们谈到创新概念时,我几乎总是会被问到相同的问题:知名大企业有没有深入创新的途径? enterprises how to find a path of revolutionary innovation? My answer is yes, but no matter whether it's a well-known big brand or an emerging startup, they can only follow three laws to achieve perpetual innovative vitality.

Firstly: Collaborate with people you don't like/similar to, maintain team diversity.

A lot of research shows that teams with diverse composition tend to come up with more varied solutions and are more likely to find successful ideas. Conversely: if you create a team where members have the same opinions and appearances, wearing the same shoes, then there will only be one answer for "brainstorming," and you can only hope that this idea will succeed.

According to social psychology, we often like those who share similarities with us. The more similarities there are between two people, the greater their liking for each other becomes. Thus we can conclude that it is best to recruit people who do not like you. As long as they are smart and have thoughts, these people are exactly what your company needs for diversity.

Secondly: Do not simply imitate surface-level success phenomena.

There exists an entire workshop industry dedicated entirely to teaching how to possess innovative power. This industry thrives because innovation is easily exaggerated. You'll hear about all things related innovations from brainstorming necessity down through providing free lunch for employees' importance.

These creative ideas are superficial because they merely point out certain behaviors' surface features. In other words, they merely tell you what actions were taken and why those actions were taken – such as at my previous employer Google where every day free lunches were provided so engineers (who tend towards introversion) could discuss their work in informal settings while sharing meals together – creating opportunities for them all over again among colleagues who didn't directly work together – rather than just eating in silence or alone in separate rooms during breaks on campus at Google Inc., etc.,

Thirdly: Listen & extract user needs instead of following blindly.

Finally once you've hired someone whom I dislike/unsimilar due primarily multiple reasons above mentioned within this text about your own preferences yet also considering skills qualifications requirements; however; becoming important barriers against new creative development within existing teams by being highly influential decision-makers - but truly never really understanding customer’s actual genuine needs ever! As I know personally after years working closely w/ customers’ feedbacks worldwide…

As per me , “innovation” does NOT mean making something NEW solely nor even always adding extra functions onto already available items which nobody else has created before either! No indeed . It means solving real problems faced by real users when trying using products offered by companies selling goods/services 24/7 globally!

In conclusion here , companies should take heed of these three laws lest risk failure!
