2月11日,在北京2022年冬奥会短道速滑项目女子1000米决赛中,荷兰选手苏珊娜·舒尔廷夺得冠军。图为苏珊娜·舒尔廷(右)在比赛后与比利时选手汉娜·德梅庆祝。新华社记者 张玉薇摄
2月14日,北京2022年冬奥会自由式滑雪女子空中技巧决赛举行,中国选手徐梦桃夺得冠军。图为徐梦桃(右)与美国选手阿什莉·考德威尔相互拥抱。新华社记者 费茂华摄
race scene, su yixiong and vailong have outstanding results, the growth experience outside the competition also makes people feel deeply. Su Yixiong, in addition to being an excellent snowboarder, is also a child star in the movie "Zhitu Weihu Shan". This young man who once faced the camera frankly not wanting to make a career out of snowboarding decided to become a professional snowboarder after Beijing won the bid for 2022 Winter Olympics. He competes for his country at home.
Unlike Su Yixiong's years of training abroad, speaking fluent Beijing dialects' Vailong is not only "genius skier", but also a high school "scholar", model. She hopes her experiences can encourage thousands of Chinese youth to participate in skiing.
The Beijing Winter Olympics has seen many excellent athletes from around the world compete on its stage. They come from different countries and regions, excel in different events... some succeed in reaching the podium while others fail... However, regardless of their results these athletes embody athletic spirit that forms power and inspires young people around the world to break through themselves; it attracts more and more people's attention towards winter sports.
Athletes cheer for winners and encourage losers. The Beijing Winter Olympics will sow seeds of peace friendship progress into Olympic family with this slogan: faster higher stronger —— closer together'.
A warm hug or heartfelt wishes forge true friendships between athletes. Sports can give hope especially to young people all over the world - a brighter future ahead.
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