
  • 励志故事
  • 2025年01月03日
  • 1.耐心是赚钱的秘诀,自信是展现自我的一面。别人给你的,珍惜;自己能给的,更加珍贵。生活中的小确幸,你值得拥有;大事业上的机遇,你要去争取。 2.面对虚伪,不用攻击,更不用暴露它。让其继续在虚伪中挣扎,而你保持一颗平和的心。时间会证明真相,最终使其孤立无援。 3.与自私的人交往,不必憎恶,也不要忽略它。但当他们选择远离时,你也应该做出选择,留下空间,让彼此各忙各的事情。 4.没有人可以永远陪伴你











10.do not easily test your good friends, or you will be disappointed, or you will be called a "nervous wreck" who thinks too much.

11.Do not easily show off your gloomy and sensitive nature, even if you really are that way.The people around you may not understand your feelings and do not have the obligation to understand them.

12.Never play with others; playing with someone is bound to be played by them.Your cleverness cannot compare to theirs in the long run.

13.Do not compete for what belongs to others, but neither should you tolerate others taking from yours.This is a principle worth abiding by.

14.Do not envy others' achievements in terms of grades, social status, awards, etc.There are five reasons: 1) Others may have worked harder than you without your knowledge; 2) These things can only bring temporary satisfaction but no permanent happiness; 3) There are rules of the game that some people can't play; 4) You have something inferior to someone else's? Wait for the right moment when it surpasses them all; 5) Don't fight over these things and more friends will come along with time.

15.Try to help those who need help if possible.Don't force yourself beyond what's reasonable.

16.To those who like arguing with me constantly first reflect on yourself change yourself eliminate any reason for their behavior second see how childish they really are let them suffer alone

17.Create distance between those whose lifestyles clash then live each other's lives without interference this doesn't hurt anyone nor does it ask anything from anyone else

18.Good brothers keep track of accounts don't make calculations too complicated money is given by parents it isn't earned so spend sparingly
