
  • 励志故事
  • 2025年01月14日
  • 交友宣言语句 1、下辈子,我要做你的一颗牙;至少,我难受,你也会疼。 2、爱你,不是因为你的美而已。我越来越爱你,每个眼神触动我的心。 3、感情是个永久的话题,那是因为受伤的人太多太多。我们说不完,忘不掉,希望遇到一个能够相爱的人,对我们来说是一种奢望。 4、愿得一人心,白头终不离。 5、“我怕来不及,我要抱着你,直到感觉你的皱纹,有了岁月的痕迹,直到肯定你是真的,直到失去力气,为了你,我愿意”











9、没有完美的爱情,正如没有完美的人。可在i眼里,你却是完美的,因为i love you,并且i also坚信,我们的love会是完美的一起珍惜吧!

10,如果i能回到从前,i will choose not to know you,not i regret,it is i cannot face the without your ending.Because we hurt each other,we cannot be friends;Because we love each other,we cannot be enemies.so two people became the most familiar strangers.Read it,you owe me a hug;Delete it,you owe me a kiss;Save it,you owe me a date;if reply to you,you owe me everything;if not reply to you that's mine.Choose!

11,you love me i know of,though i am too spoiled;i said i will grow up one day,since mutual humility is right;i said you hurt me,i understand of,because too much care makes bad.

12,Away from you my heart stops beating;Out of sight my eyes become blind;Without holding your hand my hands lose temperature;Without seeing your smile my world becomes only darkness!

13,Your beauty like an open snow lotus;yours bad like a wicked rose;You are like a magnet,no matter whether I change to positive or negative pole,I am deeply attracted by you.

14,every second put you in mind,wonder if now's fine with you?Wish dear ones always have smiles on their faces and happiness as long as time goes on,as long as they want.I'll be beside them!

15,Spring's fragrance fills the air just like your beauty makes me helpless;sprinkles of spring rain drop by drop just like your figure stays in my mind. Love for you in heart,vow to share sweetness together in springtime!
