
  • 励志故事
  • 2025年01月14日
  • 1、下辈子,我要做你的一颗牙;至少,我难受,你也会疼。 2、爱你,不是因为你的美而已。我越来越爱你,每个眼神触动我的心。 3、感情是个永久的话题,那是因为受伤的人太多太多。我们说不完,忘不掉,希望遇到一个能够相爱的人,对我们来说是一种奢望。 4、愿得一人心,白头终不离。 5、“我怕来不及,我要抱着你,直到感觉你的皱纹,有了岁月的痕迹,直到肯定你是真的,直到失去力气,为了你,我愿意”… 6










9、没有完美的爱情,就像没有完美的人。可在my眼里,你却是完美的,因为I love you,并且I 也坚信,我们的love会是完美的一起珍惜吧!

10,如果I能回到从前,I 会选择不认识you,不是我后悔,是I 不能面对没有your结局。因为彼此伤害过,不可以做朋友;因为彼此相爱过,不可以做敌人。所以,两个人成了最熟悉的陌生人。read it you owe me a hug; delete it owe me a kiss; save it owe me a date; like reply to you owe me all; like not reply to you is mine. choose!

11,you love me I am aware of, although I am too spoiled; you say I will always grow up, mutual humility is necessary; you hurt me I understand, don't pamper me too much or I will become bad.

12,leave you my heart stops beating; can't see you my eyes lose sight of things ; can't hold your hand my hands lose temperature ; can't see your smile my world is just darkness!

13,your beauty is like an open lotus flower ; your ugliness is like an enchanting rose ; you are like a magnet, whether I'm on the positive pole or the negative pole , i'm deeply attracted to you.

14,every second put you in my heart, wondering if today's You are fine? Wish beloved You always have smiles on your face and happiness fills every moment , as long as You want it , i'll be by Your side!

15,spring breeze blows through flowers' fragrance as beautiful as yours that i cannot resist ; spring rain drips drop by drop as your shadow in mind that never fades away. The love for You in heart willing to share sweetness with You in Spring!

16.packaging makes houses richly decorated exteriors and ugly women elegant parasols under their hands and cat steps models walk out on stages.

17,the most difficult thing to break off is emotions , the most difficult thing to get hold of is Love ,the most difficult thing to repay people's kindnesses ,the most difficult thing to keep together are friendships .

18,but let Me tell You if one day Yout really disappeard,i'll cry so hard just Like losing Myself;(classic sentence www.lz13.cn)i'll go crazy running around streets and alleys looking for Youto find Me back!
