
  • 励志故事
  • 2025年01月14日
  • 1.下辈子,我要做你的一颗牙;至少,我难受,你也会疼。 2.爱你,不是因为你的美而已。我越来越爱你,每个眼神触动我的心。 3.感情是个永久的话题,那是因为受伤的人太多太多。我们说不完,忘不掉,希望遇到一个能够相爱的人,对我们来说是一种奢望。 4.愿得一人心,白头终不离。 5、“我怕来不及,我要抱着你,直到感觉你的皱纹,有了岁月的痕迹,直到肯定你是真的,直到失去力气,为了你,我愿意”… 6









8.我可以为你生、为 你死,只要 你肯爱 我!

9.没有完美的爱情,正如没有完美的人。可在 我眼里,你却 是完美 的,因为 我爱上了 你,并且 我 也坚信,我们 的 爱情 会 是 完美 的,一起 珍惜 吧!

10.如果 不能 回到 从前,我 会 选择 不 认识 你,不是我 后悔,是 我 不能 面对 没有 你的 结局。因为彼此伤害过,不可以做朋友;因为彼此相爱过,不可以做敌人。所以两个人成了最熟悉的陌生人。读它您欠他一个拥抱;删除它欠他一个吻;储存它欠他一个约会;如回复您欠他全部;

11.You love me, I know; though I am very stubborn; You say I will always grow up, mutual humility is proper; You hurt me, I understand; don't pamper me too much, I will become bad.

12.Leaving you, my heart stops beating; not seeing you, my eyes will lose sight; unable to hold your hand, my hands will lose temperature; not seeing your smile, my world will be all darkness!

13.Your beauty is like a blooming snow lotus flower; Your evil is like a seductive rose flower; You are like a magnet that attracts me regardless of whether I change to the positive pole or the negative pole.

14.Every minute and second put you in my heart and wonder if you are well now? May the smiling face of dear one always hang on their face and may their mood embrace sunshine every moment! Happiness lasts as long as time goes by as long as they think of you!

15.The scent of spring flowers fills the nose just like your beauty which makes it impossible for me to resist it! The sound of spring raindrops dripping down just like your figure etched in my mind! The love in my heart for you wishes to share sweet moments with you in springtime!

16.The packaging is an ornate outer shell for houses or a colorful parasol held by an ugly woman or steps taken by models on stage.

17.The most difficult thing to break off is emotions/the most difficult thing to seek out is love/the most difficult thing to repay people's kindness/the most difficult thing to get hold of is friendship/and so on...

18.But let's tell each other this: If one day he truly disappears from us all...I would cry until tears stream down/like losing myself/(Classic quote www.lz13.cn) And then run madly through streets searching for him after his disappearance.

19.Nothing can make faces age/nothing can cause time flow away/nothing can dry up rivers/nothing cannot be crossed over hillsides/except that eternal love between us shall remain forever till eternity happiness everlasting!

20.You're just like clouds never willing stay still with us./Encountering each other seems wind blowing past/guessing not even able grasp feelings within./Stand at window silently pouring out countless secrets into night sky when would stop embracing this vast loneliness?

21.Human life was originally short but becomes long in memories/Happiness could have been created with 'I love you' yet often gets hindered by 'I love you'/who invented this sweet death-inducing word making people tirelessly busy using it till today making 'I Love You' spread virus-like throughout being used without end causing troubles!

22.If tomorrow he were gone/I'd gain his today's affection!/If next instant he were gone/I'd gain his present moment's affection/

23.How long does someone keep loving another person? Answer: very long/very long/till memory gathers dust yet still fails retrieve outline form beloved:/till recollection door locks corrode thickly yet still fails seal up overflowed longing:/this defines duration limit within our loves

24.In matters relating romance highest principle lies putting oneself aside giving self away/to another gender different individual/dropping independent consciousness & solitary existence feeling self only existant within others consciousness

25.Everyone has own story/everyone has own joy/sorrow/in this city wide enough/all sorrow eventually fade away/meet true-love do not hide true-feeling use genuine hearts feel its real joyfulness
