
  • 励志故事
  • 2025年02月14日
  • 1.世上最遥远的距离,不是我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。 2.深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。 3.我爱你,为了你的幸福,我愿意放弃一切包括你。 4.失望,有时候也是一种幸福,因为有所期待所以才会失望。因为有爱,才会有期待,所以纵使失望,也是一种幸福,虽然这种幸福有点痛。 5.世上最凄绝的距离是两个人本来距离很远,忽然有一天,他们相识,相爱,距离变得很近。然后有一天,不再相爱了










9.two people together is for happiness, breaking up is to alleviate the pain, you cannot make me happy again, so I must leave, when I leave it's also very painful, but you will definitely be more painful than me because I say goodbye first.

10.dogs won't get thin because they won't miss someone.

11.everything has a price tag; the price of happiness is pain.

12.from the beginning we know that there will be an end.

13.the early days were carefree and worry-free; even the most painful things are just exams and tests when looked back later they seem so small.

14.some people are destined to wait for others; some people are destined to be waited for by others.

15.cause and effect arise and disappear; cause and effect become dense or sparse - these are not things we can control.we can only cherish the fleeting moments in which our paths cross.

16.sometimes meeting someone is better than never having met at all.

17.whatever makes us forget one person is good enough.if time doesn't let us forget those who shouldn't be forgotten what does it matter if we lose years?

18.i thought love could overcome everything but sometimes it has no power.at first i thought love could fill in life's gaps but it turns out that love itself creates more gaps.(classic sentence www.lz13.cn) sunshine or cloudy weather a cycle of ups and downs plays out in a relationship.change one person nothing stays blue forever.

19.when love ends on its own terms there's nothing else to do even if you don't want to put a period on it.

20.the same person can't give you the same kind of pain twice.no matter how many times he hurts you that wound has grown numb with familiarity.so even if he hurts you countless times it'll never hurt as much as the first time.

21.love originally was drinking poison wine with a smile.

22.it's hard to love someone deeply,it's harder still to give up your heart for them.

23.when love comes joy naturally follows but this joy comes at a cost and requires learning to accept disappointment sorrow and separation from now on life will no longer be simple

24.maybe we can simultaneously love two people or have two people loving us too bad luck about only being able to stick with one through thick and thin

25.when i fall in love i always feel scared both of getting him backbreaking my head over his absence or losing him altogether

26.you've never been loved before so cherish whoever loves you in future

27.they think about each other when they're apart but once they're together again they start tormenting each other anew

28.all i want is someone who can bear my tears when i'm downcast and bite into their shoulder when i'm happy

29.if i didn't love you,i wouldn' t missyou,i wouldn' t envy anyone nearyouandi wouldn' t lose confidenceor spiritnor wouldi sufferas much.as long asi don' thave tobearthe weightof lovingyouthatwouldbeidealifejustdon' thave tobearthe weightof lovingyouthatwouldbeidealifejustdon' thave tobearthe weightof lovingyouthatwouldbeidealifejustdon 30 parting ways means reunion someday
