The softest sand is easiest to imprint, yet most susceptible to tidal erosion.
The exclamation mark is the blood of the brave on their climb and the tears of the timid in their despair.
A smooth sail does not mean a flat horizon.
In the endless desert, only footsteps marching forward symbolize hope.
The strength to ascend mountains comes from a bold heart that aspires to see far and an unwavering will that makes one feel like a hero at the Great Wall.
The clearest footprints are left by oxen enduring hardships and bearing heavy loads.
The pride of sails lies in standing tall against raging winds.
Fools regret yesterday and pray for tomorrow, neglecting today's endeavors – which are scarce indeed.
Running ahead quickly means encountering more resistance from the wind; resistance accompanies achievement alike.
Talent is buried gold in mines; effort is the miner who digs for it.
Spring awaiting arrival belongs to nature; spring woven by hand alone belongs to oneself.
12、战士的意志要坚如礁石,性格温和如风。 13、把安逸当作幸福的花朵,那么等到结果时,他只能叹息空枝。 14、太阳虽有黑点,却在奋力燃烧中树立光辉。 15、努力是光,成功是影,没有光哪来的影? 16、岸边奇花异草,是江水奔腾不能拘留的象征。