

在友情的庇护下,爱意尚未绽放。我曾以为,我们将永远停留在这条界限上。八年时间,我从未犹豫过这一选择。但是,2016年的9月20日晚,我的世界 suddenly became filled with uncertainty and chaos. Perhaps our trip to三亚 during the National Day holiday would help us both calm down, but in reality, I was still torn between memories, dreams, and reality. My responses began to be cautious, our phone calls fewer and farther between. Yet, the daily care that I showed you made me hesitate; what withered away was it - sweetness or tacit understanding? And would you truly be like a rose in a field of flowers for me? Or half-wild abandon?

I continue to linger on the edge of danger, my lips hovering between being friends or something more. I fear hurting you and losing you; the permanent stability of friendship is what I most desire. But you ask me to trust you; that you won't leave me; that you'll wait for me forever and love me unconditionally for all eternity.

Deep within my bones, guilt seeps into my marrow like an illness gone terminal. I dislike ambiguity even less than your transformation from friend to lover. I no longer wish to open myself up to you; afraid your fervent gaze will extinguish the coldness within me - though there's already someone in my heart: love.

You say that when we're stable enough, we'll travel together wherever we please - go places untouched by this world - create our own poetry - write our own lives' stories. You understand me just as well as eight years ago - know how much peacefulness and plainness mean to me.

But your promises are too beautiful for words; all I can do is treat them as coming from my dearest friend.

The roses sent by hand are beyond acceptance or rejection; perhaps those clouds drifting above airplanes are what truly set hearts racing.

Your sincerity has always been clear-cut while mine remains unknown even unto myself: am not worth waiting eight long years only for happiness shared among friends! If only my timidity hadn't kept us at arm's length five years earlier... Neither of us would have suffered through these countless sleepless nights nor worried about each other's disappearance!

Our relationship remains an enigma understood by none else but ourselves—friendship perfecto! Eight years gone by since meeting & loving each other without regretting it one bit until now...

Perhaps distance right here feels just so right if someday far-off travels take us apart—whether across seas or lands afar—I'll never forget your face nor remember every little detail about how tenderly & delicately caring & gentle-hearted towards others (and especially towards one another)...

Let this dusty memory drift away carried off on winds alone... As such shall suffice then!

Wishing nothing but good fortune ahead—a new life free from yours truly—perhaps because too much affection makes one overly cowardly...

Wishing 'you well'.
