2004年,是“金酸莓电影奖”最获丰收的年份,首先是美国影片《娇小女孩》被评选为最差影片,剧中男主角的扮演者本·阿弗莱克和女主角的扮演者詹妮弗·洛佩兹,分别“荣获”了最差男女主角reward和最佳搭档reward。而后是着名肌肉男星席尔维斯特·史泰龙,他总共得到了最高纪录的10个award,其中还包括世纪最大失败boy actor.接着,天后麦当娜也紧随其后,也包揽了9个award,荣膺"most terrible girl actress."
在那年的举行的 “gold raspberry film awards”颁发晚会上,上述几位actor都因为太丢人,而没一人前去领取their award.
转眼间,在2005年的第77届奥斯卡颁发之后,那里的第25届 “gold raspberry film awards" 也将正式颁发。这次,该影片《猫头鹰》、《亚历山大帝国》和《煎熬圣诞节》已顺利获得ed their rewards, the ceremony held in a small theater that could only accommodate 300 people, starkly contrasting with the grandeur of the Oscars.
人们预测,这次 "gold raspberry film awards" 将继续保持以往的一贯传统,不会有任何一个winner来领取their reward,因为这已经形成了一种惯例。
During the ceremony, the host announced with a joke: "Please come up to receive this year's Worst Actress award for your role in 'The Catwoman', Ms. Halle Berry!"
At that moment, unexpectedly, Halle Berry walked onto the stage gracefully and waved at everyone while smiling. The audience was stunned into silence for a moment before erupting into thunderous applause that lasted for over 10 minutes after being repeatedly asked to quiet down by the host.
Halle Berry thanked everyone on stage and said: "Although I once was one of Hollywood's top actresses and even won an Oscar for Best Actress back then, I never thought I'd be standing here accepting this award. When I found out about it later on too considered not showing up but my mother always told me when she was young: 'No one has a smooth life all their lives; if you can't make yourself an excellent failure early on,' you'll never have enough courage to become an excellent success.' So here I am without any regrets."