
  • 励志名言
  • 2024年12月07日
  • 古代智者在自然之美中激励青春的名言 1.祸兮,福之所倚;福兮,锅之所伏。——《老子》 2.君子之交淡若水,小人之交甘若醴。——《庄子》 3.青,取之于蓝而青于蓝。——荀子 4.十年树木,百年树人。——《管子·权修》 5.滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。——《三国演义》 6.I myself stand on the mountain peak, laughing at the sky with








6.I myself stand on the mountain peak, laughing at the sky with my sword; I leave behind my liver and intestines like two hills of kunlun mountains.

7.No end to the fallen leaves under the autumn wind, no cease to the flowing river in a long journey.

8.The matters of the world are either easy or difficult, depending on whether one acts or not; if one does act, even what is difficult becomes easy; but if one does not act, even what is easy becomes difficult.

9.A flower that holds spring tears in its petals and a willow that leans against a branch without power.

10.Learn without satiety, teach others without weariness.

11.Speakers are guiltless; listeners should beware.

12.The heart of an upright person is open and untroubled while that of a small man is always worried and anxious.

13.Do not say that cassia flowers bloom late for there are still glimpses of dawn in heaven today —— Liu Yuxi

14.Forgotten past events can serve as teachers for future ones —— The Strategies of Warring States

15.Knowing someone's strength after traveling far together; seeing people's hearts after waiting patiently for days —— A Song from Contending For Love

16.Like entering a room filled with fragrance from incense sticks where one soon forgets its scent when staying there long enough; like entering a fish store where one soon forgets its smell when staying there long enough —— Liu Xiang

17.Golden outside but rotten inside like broken silk threads within jade.

18.Reaching the highest point where nothing else exists under heaven with all peaks visible at once —— Du Fu

19.Know everything but speak nothing or speak everything but exhaust nothing.

20.Mountains hide things imperfectly yet eventually flow away eastward just like it should be so —— Sinis Ding Jisi

21.Losing horses may turn out to be good fortune because they could have been taken by bandits anyway – Han Feizi

22.Not intentionally competing for beauty yet getting bitter feelings from it - Lu You

23.Use other people's stones to attack precious jade - Shi Jing (Book of Odes)

24.Broken mountains and rivers scattering winds blown here and there: drifting embers falling into raindrops - Wen Tianxiang

25.Use bronze as mirrors to correct clothing adornments: use ancient times as mirrors to know rise and fall: use people as mirrors to discern gains and losses - Sun Zhao Yuan

26.Neither seeing predecessors nor successors contemplating eternity’s vastness alone weeping beneath tears' fall - Chen Shou

27.Walking afar seeking wisdom now longing upward below seeking answers evermore deeply evermore wide more widely than before farther beyond evermore further forward evermore ahead ahead forever onward onward endlessly infinite boundless endless never-ending eternal enduring eternally forever more more never-endingly always limitless limitlessly limitlessly limitlessness boundlessness limitless infinity infinity infinite infinitely endless boundless eternally eternally eternally timelessly timeless timeless timelessness timeless timelessness timeless eternal everlasting forever ageless agelesss agelessness agelesssess essentiless immortal immortality immortal eternity eternity eternal eternity eternities eternities eternityeeternal etcetera etcetera etcetera ad infinitum ad infinitum ad infinitumad infininfinitum ad infininfinitumad infininfinitinfinity etcetera etcetcetereverlastingforevereverlastingforeverforeverforeveerlastinglylastinglylastinglyneverendingneverendingneverendingneverendingendlesslyendlesslyendlesslyboundlessboundlessboundlessboundlesselemental elementalelementalelementelementalelemental elementallelements elements elements elements elements elemental elementals elementalsthe end
