
  • 励志名言
  • 2024年12月09日
  • 从前,两个饥饿的人得到了一位长者的恩赐:一根鱼竿和一篓鲜活的鱼。其中一个人要了一篓鱼,另一个人要了一根鱼竿,他们便分道扬镳了。 得到鱼的人原地就用干柴搭起篝火煮起了鱼,他狼吞虎咽,还没有品出鲜鱼的肉香,转瞬间,连鱼带汤就被他吃了个精光,不久,他便饿死在空空的鱼篓旁。 另一个人则提着鱼竿继续忍饥挨饿,一步步艰难地向海边走去,可当他已经看到不远处那片蔚蓝的海洋时,他浑身的最后一点力气也使完了





又有两个饥饿的人,他们同样得到了长者的恩赐的一根fishin' rod和一个bowl of fish。只是他们并没有各奔东西,而是商定共同去找寻大海。他俩每次只cook one fish together, share the meal, and then continue their journey. After many days of traveling, they finally reached the ocean.

From that day on, they started a new life as fishermen. Years later, they built their own houses, had stable families with children, and even constructed their own fishing boats. They lived a happy and contented life.

Moral of the story: A person who only focuses on short-term gains will soon realize that his happiness is fleeting; a person who has high aspirations must also face reality head-on. Only when one combines their ideals with reality can they become successful in life.

Sometimes, a simple truth can give people profound insights into their lives.
