10.must with sharing personal success。成功往往来自于分享给别人。你所取得的一切成就都是为了照亮周围的人,让他们感受到鼓舞和希望,同时也是为了自己不断前行提供动力源泉——共鸣永远比孤独强大且持久得多。
11.must strive to be second best。排名通常与获得帮助的人数正相关。如果是一个一流人才,却不能得到足够帮助,就容易沦为二流;相反,一位二流人才,只要能够得到足够帮助,就有机会成为第一名。
12.must master more than one advanced language.The ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages is crucial for a successful career, but it's not just about speaking fluently; it's also about understanding the nuances of different languages and cultures.
13.must understand the definition of responsibility.Job responsibilities are what you must do, but in reality, they often extend beyond that scope.
14.must practice seniority-based respect.In order to advance your career, you need to recognize and respect those who came before you.
15.must learn how to constructively discuss superficial matters.Don't let appearances fool you; sometimes what seems important on the surface may not be as significant as it appears.
16.Must attend all social events.Socializing with colleagues can open doors and provide opportunities for professional growth, even if it feels like a chore at times.
17.Must know how not to negotiate.Learn when to walk away from an argument or compromise—sometimes backing down is the best way forward.
18.Must keep marital status private.Marital status should remain confidential in the workplace—whether married or single, keeping this information hidden can help maintain a professional atmosphere.
19.Must avoid intellectual competition.Avoid getting into intellectual sparring matches with coworkers—these arguments rarely end well for anyone involved.
20.Must follow rules.Becoming known as someone who follows rules means adhering strictly to them when necessary—and bending them when appropriate.
21Must understand that meetings are a path.Meaningful discussions during meetings are essential—but so too is learning how notto say anything at all—especially if what you have to say might cause controversy or conflict.
22Must consider finance part of daily life.Work-life balance is key: use company time wisely during work hours and save personal time for outside activities—and always remember that financial security starts within oneself—not by relying on others' generosity.
Remember: [15 Truths About Working Life] [28 Rules of Workplace Etiquette]