
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年02月10日
  • 电信业传奇人物李一男宣布将于近期辞去无限讯奇CEO职务。知情人士向《第一财经日报》透露,李辞职并非缘于移动反腐案,而是未达董事会要求。 但李的个人影响力似乎不减。本报获悉,已有VC向其发出约请。不过李在自己的微博里写道:“希望能够在未来踏踏实实,安安静静地做好产品和企业。”并强调,“未来将继续专注于互联网、移动互联网和其他科技方面的工作”。 影响力不减







"Lee is a very smart, technically gifted person with strong management capabilities and high standards. He will certainly achieve something." said Wu.

The young and ambitious Lee experienced his first major setback in Huawei. Around the year 2000, his position changed several times, serving as Huawei's electrical equipment general manager and head of the US Research Institute.

At that time, Ren Zhengfei advocated for "internal entrepreneurship". Lee was dissatisfied and soon resigned. After a year of hesitation, Ren accepted his resignation.

A group of Huawei employees followed him out, thus establishing Port Network. The company seemed to have an emotional tone from its inception: everywhere it went, it made sure not to let Huawei feel good; it became the latter's most potential competitor. Clearly, it highlighted Lee's talent.

But Ren Zhengei was old-schooled and strategic. In 2006, Huawei acquired Port Network; Li returned to Huawei as Chief Scientist of Telecommunications Science & Technology Development Department Vice President (ranked among top ten). By the end of 2007, he became Terminal Device Company Vice President.

After "returning", Li rarely appeared in internal affairs (Liu Si Jia). Liu expressed that in research development systems where technical spirit leaders were needed but not market sales or other systems where leadership may be less effective due to Huaweis powerful marketing system.

Two years later Li chose again to leave for Baidu becoming CTO in 2008 but left after a year. For what he did at Baidu during this period one senior communications media figure told our newspaper about an incident when there was a work failure at Baidu Internal Employees received an email from Le who took full responsibility for the mistake with sincere words which impressed everyone greatly".

It seems that by then Le had grown up from youthful ambition feelings towards himself . His colleague Meng Si Fei recalled that while working at Baidu ,Le 's personal charm remained unchanged ,everyone liked him .

But eventually he still left Baidu .In January 2010 he went to UMi Vision CEO . According to reports even founder Robin Li tried hard persuade him .

However colleagues saw him as capable but difficult against China Mobile so could not stay long term coordinator relationship would be difficult .

Sure enough half-year later he left again amid China Mobile anti-corruption wave .Sources indicated that leaving now might make people imagine things easily

Having experienced companies such as Huawei ,Port Network,Baidu ,UMI vision after all back into solo wanderer state has been this former proud man whose career has drawn crowds since ever known or perhaps create own dream in internet age

