
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年02月12日
  • 1.朋友,像琴弦,不能太拧紧。 2.不要把你的幸福,建立在那些你会失去的东西上。 3.同伴,不一定非要走到最后,某一段路上,对方给自己带来的朗朗笑声,那就已经足够。 4.心累,就是常常徘徊在坚持和放弃之间,举棋不定。烦恼,就是记性太好,该记的,不该记的都会留在记忆里。 5、三句话给心烦时的自己:一句“算了吧”告诉自己,凡事努力但不可执着;一句“不要紧”告诉自己,凡事努力了就无怨悔












11.,下辈子我们一定会遇到的,那时候,我一定会等你。那时候,你不来我不老.That time,you must not let me go.

12..Let us be each other's sun, shining on the dark of life.Let us be each other's power, turning adversity into history.Life is harsh but I believe in our faith.I want us to see each other's positive attitude after traversing a lifetime of dust and dirt.I am weak and you are single but together we will be brave.

13..A man has two states: one is silent pain and the other is silent laughter.

14..I don't believe that this world is always like this — when there are times when one must bow their head, when some people will lose something or have things destined never to last — yet still say that beyond your first thousand choices there may be another possible choice with an open window through which light can enter.

15..Tolerance is a quality; tolerance is a state of mind.A person who lives happily does not have more possessions than others; he has fewer complaints.The happiest thing about you now was once unknown to you before; what will make you happy in the future depends on how well you live today.If you want to know your past tense, look at your current situation;if you want to know your future self, look at your current behavior.

16.,Your heart should not be ostentatious branches nor should it be silent roots underground.Not swayed by the world around them,simple yet rich in themselves.

17...The difference between friendship and love lies in this: friendship means two people plus the world whereas love means two people equal the world.

18...People feel lonely because they do not build bridges but instead construct walls around themselves.

19...Let your heart float like feathers. True love isn't trying hard,it's giving yourself fully.True love isn't right or wrong,it's just willing or unwilling.Love doesn't need explanations,it speaks for itself.The longest confession of love is being with someone.
