
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年02月12日
  • 1.当你问一个擅长滑冰的人关于成功的秘诀时,他会告诉你:“跌倒后再站起来”,这便是通往成功的道路。 2.我对自己是什么样的人没有清晰的答案;但我知道,我就像是一个在海边嬉戏的小孩,偶尔发现一块光滑的鹅卵石或一片美丽的贝壳而感到自豪,而对于眼前那广阔无垠、深邃而神秘的真理世界,却始终未曾触及。 3.在思考问题时,我总是把它们摆放在面前的画布上,一点点地勾勒出来,直到整个画面逐渐明朗












11.my success is due to my relentless thinking.

12.I am not aware of how others perceive me, but I believe myself to be like a child playing by the sea, occasionally discovering a smoother stone or a more beautiful shell and rejoicing in it; yet the vast ocean of truth remains before me.

13.Humility towards one's strengths is like the shadow in a painting, making them appear more powerful and prominent.

14.Every goal I set for myself stays before my eyes from the first glimmer of dawn until it spreads out fully across the landscape until all is illuminated.

15.I am not sure how others see me; but to myself, I seem just like a child playing on the beach who sometimes discovers an unusually smooth pebble or an unusually beautiful shell and feels joyous about it; while as for the boundless ocean of truth that stretches out before me, I have made no discovery at all.

16.If I can see further than others, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.

17.My perception may extend slightly beyond that of others because I stand on the shoulders of giants.

18.My vision extends further than that of others because I stand upon their shoulders.

19.Bold guesses are necessary for great discoveries to be made

20.Any contribution i may make to this world comes not from elsewhere but from my persistent and diligent thinking

21.Intelligence alone does not guarantee success - persistence does

22.my achievements owe themselves to intense thought processes

23.Love can sometimes be as unexpected as an apple falling from a tree when you accidentally wander under its branches without realizing what might happen!

24.Simple things considered complexly can lead to new fields; complex phenomena viewed simply can reveal new laws

25.To acquire knowledge you must exert yourself; To acquire food you must exert yourself; And if you wish happiness too then exert yourself! For effort is law over everything!

26.My mind often dwells in seriousness & quietness avoiding melancholy altogether

27.I possess no special wisdom only ceaseless diligence in thinking!

28.Your reputation should serve as your highest badge-of-honor!

29.if i look far ahead ,it's because i'm standing on giant's shoulders

30.A happy life springs forth from happy thoughts alone!
