4、再坚强的人也有脆弱的时候,再豁达的人也有委屈的时候。有些悲伤不一定谁都会懂,有些委屈不一定要进给所有人听。不言不语,不是不说,只是不想说。不流泪,不是没有泪,因为伪装.Not speaking doesn't mean we don't have anything to say, it's just that we choose not to. Not crying doesn't mean we haven't shed tears, it's because of the masks we wear.
5、不要尝试做你喜欢的事,要去喜欢你正在做的事。Life is about finding joy in what you're already doing, rather than chasing after things you think you'll enjoy.
6、做人的四个准则:生活中不刻意伪装,爱情里不过度依赖;倾听时不着急辩解,说话时不有意冒犯。这 is a guideline for living: Be genuine in life and avoid over-reliance on love; listen without rushing to defend yourself and speak without intentionally offending others.
7、如果有人对你哭,而这个人平时又绝不是会哭的那种人,那么,就让他对着你哭个痛快。Because in that moment when someone who rarely cries sheds tears before you, they see you as their closest confidant.
8、人生中最永恒的幸福就是平凡,最长久的拥有就是珍惜.The most enduring happiness in life is the ordinary kind; the longest-lasting possession is gratitude for what we have.
9、一种美德,就是守口如瓶,对包括自己在内的一切。这 is a virtue - keeping secrets even from oneself.
10时间会告诉你一切。有些事情,要等到你渐渐清醒了才明白它是个错.Time will reveal everything. Some things won’t become clear until much later when your mind clears up and reveals its true nature.
11,每个人所见所遇到的都早有安排,一切都是缘。而无论何年,当您遇到您爱的人时,便是您最美的时候。而不会有人,比夏天更灿烂。一 day will come when every encounter has been predestined. It’s all fate. No matter how old one gets, there will be a time when meeting someone special makes them shine brighter than summer flowers – which never fade with age but only bloom more vibrantly each year ahead of us all these years waiting patiently at home waiting for me while I go out into this world seeking my own true self so then maybe I can find my way back home again someday soon enough eventually