
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年02月18日
  • 为了偶像的光芒,杨佳:不屈不挠的知识之旅 她是一位才华横溢、美丽动人的女孩,从15岁考上大学,一路走来,她如同一颗璀璨星辰,在学术界闪耀着光芒。然而,在29岁那年,她遭遇了意外的一击,双目失明,这个打击仿佛是整个世界都倒塌了。她的生活 suddenly became a daunting challenge, as simple tasks like dressing, eating and



她是一位才华横溢、美丽动人的女孩,从15岁考上大学,一路走来,她如同一颗璀璨星辰,在学术界闪耀着光芒。然而,在29岁那年,她遭遇了意外的一击,双目失明,这个打击仿佛是整个世界都倒塌了。她的生活 suddenly became a daunting challenge, as simple tasks like dressing, eating and walking became as difficult as climbing Mount Everest.

But Yang Jia refused to be defeated. She began to learn Braille, determined to regain her footing in the world of knowledge. Her first English word was "cabbage," which she spent hours feeling with her fingers, only to discover that it wasn't what she expected. This setback only fueled her determination.

With unwavering resolve, Yang Jia locked herself in a room and devoted herself to learning. She practiced tirelessly, pouring over Braille texts until her fingers bled. And then she would recite what she had learned back to her father, who listened with pride.

One day, Yang Jia slipped out of the house unnoticed and made her way back to the classroom where she used to teach. Alone in the darkened room, she stood at the lectern and measured out words on an imaginary blackboard. Her father found her there later that night and knew that his daughter was preparing for a return to teaching.

And so Yang Jia did return, creating beautifully organized lesson plans using tactile graphics created by computer software designed for blind people. Her students were none the wiser about their teacher's disability until weeks into the term when they noticed how effortlessly she navigated through complex concepts.

Today, Yang Jia is an inspiration not just for those with disabilities but also for anyone who has faced adversity head-on without flinching. A Harvard alumnae with an MPA degree from Kennedy School of Government Public Administration Program; member of China's 11th National People's Congress Standing Committee; Chairwoman of United Nations Disability Rights Committee (UNCRPD), China Representative - these titles are just a testament to what one person can achieve against all odds.

Her story teaches us that even when life throws us curveballs we must find our inner strength and never let go of our dreams no matter how big or small they may seem!
