
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年02月27日
  • 1.你有一种让我犹如深呼吸以后放松的魔力。尽管我们也会争吵,可是我总是会原谅你,或者让你原谅我,我一直觉得我们就该在一起。 2.最有温度的距离,不就是我不言,你不语,心安,默契。 3.你眼里的我缺点太多了,多到看不到我这么喜欢你。 4.有些事,尤其是一些伤痛,一些失败的恋情,总是难忘。有人酗酒,有人谈恋爱移情,有人用时间淡忘。然而很深的痛,无论你做什么都难淡忘。或者,为什么非要忘呢











10.no matter what surrounds you, nor what the future holds, always preserve your pure nature – a clean mouth and pure eyes.

11.past is gone, future I don't care to consider; all I want is this moment now for you to be brave with me without reservation? So will you be my secret?

12.people are often apart in life; I won't blame you.I know that once upon a time, even you were very serious about it; so was i., both wanting to walk hand in hand through life together until the end of time.

13.by the hand of time, let's warm up a bouquet and bloom some flowers on a cold winter day.

14.in quiet moments with you; year after year with your gentle rain like water; amidst the fleeting glory of our lives together until old age comes knocking at our door.

15.i wish i could put all those feelings into a preservation box when i'm not as fond of you anymore, just open it up and savor them again whenever i need to remember how much joy they brought me.

16.isn't this exactly what you've been longing for? Just enjoying the fragrance of flowers without talking about joys or sorrows? Drinking tea and reading books without rushing through life? Letting sunshine warm us up just a little more each day while slowing down our pace even further.

17.recently there have been times when i thought: no matter how fast i run full steam ahead using all my might, it seems like i'll never reach where you are anyway.

18.afterward,i finally came to accept that we would never be together again.I think the only thing left for me is to inherit those qualities that captivated me from within yourself and live well on my own terms from then on.

19.she can fade away or wilt but she can still capture my heart with one glance alone,a thousand tender emotions surging forth within me at once...

20.as fleeting as an ephemeral flower blooming only briefly before fading away - yet her scent lingers tantalizingly between fingers...
