
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年03月07日
  • 结婚后,我升了职,老婆很高兴,觉得是她旺夫。可是随着我工作忙起来,不太有时间陪她,她的怨言就多起来。我想让她放心,每天都定时给她电话,有应酬也先告诉她。我自认为做得很不错了,谁知道她发展得越来越离谱了。 最近两个月来,她不停地想出各种招数,要我证明我仍然像以前那么爱她,比如我在外应酬,她突然打个电话来,说马上要吃某某东西,我如果不立刻送去,就是不关心她不爱她了;又比如我正在公司开会




我被她的折腾得快要疯了,后来索性都不理เธอ,我干脆也不接她的电话结果呢?She just wants to hurt me, you know. She's not a bad person, but she's been through some tough times and now she just wants someone to blame.

I think about this a lot because I'm the one who left her. I left her when things were good between us and I could have stayed with her forever. But I didn't want to be tied down by something that wasn't working for both of us anymore.

Now that we're divorced, it hurts me more than ever before. It hurts me because I miss her so much and I wish we could go back in time and do things differently. But at the same time, it also makes me realize how lucky we are to have had each other in our lives for as long as we did.

It's funny how life works out like this isn't it? We spend so much time trying to make things right with others only to realize later on that maybe they weren't worth fighting for after all. And then there are those who never give up on love even when it seems impossible – they keep believing that someday their hearts will find what they're looking for again.

In the end though, no matter which path you choose or where your heart takes you – whether it leads you straight into another relationship or forces you into solitude – remember that every experience shapes us into better versions of ourselves over time.

So next time your girlfriend starts acting up like my ex-wife did (and trust me she will), don't let yourself get caught off guard! Just take a step back from everything else momentarily while keeping an eye on what really matters most: your own happiness & well-being above all else.

And if anyone tells you otherwise—tell them exactly what i am saying here: "No matter what happens in life," says author Sarah Jio in her book The Vicious Circle (2012), "the choices we make can either lead us toward happiness or away from it."
