
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年03月16日
  • 2月15日,北京冬奥会单板滑雪男子大跳台决赛中,17岁的苏翊鸣凭借前两跳的出色表现提前夺冠,摘得中国单板滑雪冬奥首金,将中国队单届冬奥会5金的纪录提高到6金。获得银牌和铜牌的大哥哥们紧紧地搂着他。 同一天,谷爱凌在自由式滑雪女子坡面障碍技巧决赛中获得银牌。登上领奖台的三个姑娘相拥,笑容灿烂。 从苏翊鸣寄语谷爱凌“玩得开心”,到谷爱凌祝福更多人“享受运动带来的快乐”,体育健儿阳光、自信、率真、幽默






2月11日,在北京2022年冬奥会短道速滑项目女子1000米决赛中,荷兰选手苏珊娜·舒尔廷夺得冠军。图为苏珊娜·舒尔廷(右)在比赛后与比利时选手汉娜·德梅庆祝。新华社记者 张玉薇摄

2月14日,北京2022年冬奥会自由式滑雪女子空中技巧决赛举行,中国选手徐梦桃夺得冠军。图为徐梦桃(右)与美国选手阿什莉·考德威尔相互拥抱。新华社记者 费茂华摄

race track, where athletes like Su Yiming and Eileen Gu have made their mark. Both are young, talented, and passionate about their sports. They come from different backgrounds and have unique personalities, but they share a common goal: to excel in their chosen fields.

Su Yiming is a 17-year-old phenom who won the gold medal in men's big air snowboarding at the Beijing Winter Olympics. He was just 16 when he qualified for the event, making him one of the youngest competitors ever. Despite his youth, he has already shown great promise as a professional athlete.

Eileen Gu is an American-born Chinese freestyle skier who won silver medals in women's slopestyle and halfpipe events at the Beijing Winter Olympics. She is known for her technical skills and fearless approach to competition.

Both Su Yiming and Eileen Gu embody the spirit of friendship that defines Olympic competition. They come from different countries but share a common passion for their sports. They compete against each other on the race track but support each other off it.

Their stories inspire us all to chase our dreams no matter how impossible they may seem. We can learn so much from these young athletes who represent not only themselves but also their countries on the world stage.

The Olympic Games are more than just athletic competitions; they are celebrations of human achievement and international unity.

So let us celebrate these incredible young athletes who have captured our hearts with their talents, dedication, and inspiring stories.

And let us remember that true victory lies not in winning or losing but in striving together towards greatness.
