
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年03月16日
  • 在我们追求那份不可能实现的爱情时,总是自欺欺人地认为,只要自己更加努力,就能赢得对方的心。然而,这种执着往往只会导致更多的挫折和痛苦。小安对一个男生的七年追求,最终还是以失败告终,她明白了“永远不要踮着脚尖去爱一个人”的道理。 李小南为了掩护陈深赴死, lips sealed with a smile amidst the tiger's den, always protecting



李小南为了掩护陈深赴死, lips sealed with a smile amidst the tiger's den, always protecting Chen Shi without expecting any response, sacrificing her life for him but never receiving even an ounce of affection from him. This is the price one pays when they love someone who does not love them back.

We often say that we know what seven years means, but do we really? It's just enough time for children to start elementary school. But in reality, it takes more than just time and effort to win someone's heart.

In the cold winter morning at three o'clock, he messaged her saying he was hungry. Small An didn't change out of her pajamas but put on an overcoat before going out to buy his favorite dumplings. She waited outside until he woke up from sleep, waiting for hours until he finally woke up and had reheated dumplings.

He likes black - black T-shirts, black umbrellas, black coats - while preferring white-skinned Small An subconsciously purchases dark-colored items as if she has come to enjoy them too.

Taking note of his preferences and gradually adopting them herself as she tries to remember him better; however strange this may be.

The moment they part ways is when things get interesting. The new girl he dates after breaking up with you spends all the money in your card within three months. You've been together for so long; the only gift worth mentioning is those few balloons I forced you into buying me during Christmas because you were desperate.

Yet after leaving you behind I still take out those deflated balloons from my closet and think about it

It's not that we don't understand these things ourselves; it's just that we refuse to accept them and insist on making every bit of passion pay off before acknowledging reality.

Chasing something impossible will eventually lead us down a path where our energy dwindles away like autumn leaves falling onto dusty ground.

Love can die such a tragic death

Big winds blow away bottles of strong liquor revealing that everything loved was merely a dream

Many words are left unspoken not because one doesn’t want to speak but because deep down inside one knows speaking would fall on deaf ears or be disregarded instead let’s spare both parties’ expectations.

As adults grow older they realize how short-lived their emotions truly are age makes people wiser

Do not send two or three messages without reply nor make two or three calls without answer If there is someone in your thoughts then tell them immediately no matter how busy regardless if there isn’t then stop wasting time

There needs no more climbing high mountains chasing shadows simply being oneself brings joy

Love has no absolute balance yet severe imbalance leads nowhere by old age One cannot become bald-headed chasing after an apple far beyond reach Even though reaching high places gives great satisfaction yet fails miserably

The pursuit of love which seems imbalanced should end soon Before becoming tired why chase something unattainable?

One day you will learn not everyone needs passionate love Your happiness lies in having someone who won’t leave your side Cold nights call for warmth Stomach pain asks for hot water To live well keep learning reading sleeping remaining kind stay lovable And reduce dependence hope less For yourself Remember “Never stand on tiptoes loving anyone”
