“如果上帝要毁灭一个人必先令其疯狂。可我疯狂了这么久为何上帝还不把我毁掉。” 这句话充满了对生活无奈与挣扎的心声。
“那些刻在椅子背上的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有风的,寂寞的森林。” 林语堂以此形容那些深藏却难以显现的情感。
“你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。” 这种对感情细腻体验的描述让人感同身受。
11.”I every day all in the count your smile, but you are so lonely when you smile." 他的话如同清泉一样涌出,让人感到一种无法言喻的情怀。
12.”I give to you all my warmth of life, but you leave me, how can I be happy again?" 他的语言如同手指轻触心弦,使得听者深陷其中无法自拔。
13."The laughter once appeared in my life, but it eventually disappeared like a mist; that laughter became an urgent river within me that cannot be crossed; the sound of that river is my constant lament."
14."All the hustle and bustle and brightness of the world, all the happiness and joy of worldly people are like clear streams flowing through the wind before my eyes; warm as spring water pouring out; I do not hope for much; I only want you to be happy and not sad."
15."The wind blows up as if flowers were broken off from years past, while your smile sways back and forth to become a beautiful ornament on my journey through life."
16."A person must walk unfamiliar roads, see unfamiliar landscapes, listen to unfamiliar songs before suddenly realizing that something they had been trying so hard to forget has indeed been forgotten."
17."Hiding in a certain time or place thinking about a period or someone who makes me worry both coming and going," his words seem like whispers from another era.
18."Hold hands (classic quote) close eyes walk even if lost won't get lost"
19"If one day we don't stay together still hold hands"
20"Some things haven't been finished yet just let them go" "Every person is their own king ruling over their own world with absolute power no need for anyone else's opinion nor mine"
21"I forgot which year month day I carved a face into some wall corner smiling sorrowfully gazing at myself our smiles said we'd stay where time stood still only to have us swept away by currents without sound"
22"Those who remain forever etched in memory even after forgetting his voice his smile his face yet each time recalling him brings unchanged feelings"
23"The ones saying they'll never part now scattered across heaven"
24"It turns out those kids playing with words never really happy wandering till dawn then back home unwillingly leaving behind memories waiting outside doors"
25"You'll never see me at my most lonely because only when you're not here am i truly alone "
26"A space formed by song voices free from change protecting faces unchanging as does hatred continue growing without end hidden deep inside hearts”
27"One day I'll quietly slip away from beside you without any noise always alone missing many times "
28"As long as i stand here watching your smiles silence pride loss alongside i'm either happy or sad just standing here while u stay stuck in past "
29"If we were children could linger where time stands watch stories grow old together slow aging heads bowed down"
30"Forgetting which year month day carving face on wall corner smiling sorrowful gazing self those engraved love stories will flowerless trees bloom eternal forest no wind needed "