四、看不见 opportunity
通常,只有当你努力争取, opportunity 才是你的;顺其自然或不争取,则 opportunity 通常都会溜走。只要仔细观察周遭,其实就能发现处处充满 opportunities,但有些人看不见,有些人则忽略它们,而成功的人则会积极努力地争取。
大部分的人都没有积极地寻找 opportunities 而是在等待一个 opportunity 来到。甚至有些人因为害怕辜负别人的期望而选择做出违背自己内心真正想法的事,当我们选定做出符合其他人的期待的事,就容易在事后才发现这并不符合我们的真实想法和愿望。
其实并不是缺少 opportunities,那就是我们未曾采纳任何决定,只要深思熟虑就会发现,被誉为励志成功者的人们懂得捕捉周围发生变化并顺应潮流,为自我创造 opportunities 的机缘,比如现在网络时代,一些勇于跳入这个风口浪尖开创事业然后获得成功的人,有些则视若无睹,或是不愿改变、新手恐惧失败后的后果,所以这里面并非缺乏 chances-of-success-only-but-is-not-grasped-by-you-and-me.
比起opportunities更重要的是,你愿意采取什么样的行动以及you willing to make what kind of choices? Are you ready to sacrifice one hour every day for learning? Can you choose to wake up an hour earlier than others, just to do a better job at work? Can you choose to visit more clients, aiming at increasing the company's revenue?
It is exactly our daily choices that shape our different lives. "A good decision is not determined by the choice you make when it happens, but by the formation that occurs after making a decision. Therefore, those who are unwilling to take responsibility cannot make good decisions."
Every person should prepare themselves each day because every day's actions are preparing for the future. When someone has made sufficient preparation, any chance that comes along will be his; if he has not prepared well enough, no matter how many chances come his way they will not be his.
No matter what you want to achieve in life, the hardest part is often taking the first step. Once you have courageously taken your first step, it will seem like there is nothing difficult about it. Life itself consists of accumulating a series of choices and decisions; each seemingly insignificant action determines your future life.
Life does not need worrying about no one giving us chances because we must create our own opportunities ourselves; more importantly, do we dare make decisions? The very fact that we live on this earth means we are constantly making choices - even if we don't want to or can't see them as such.