
  • 励志人物
  • 2025年02月05日
  • 篮球场上没有懦夫,只有输掉比赛的人。 每一场比赛都是成长和学习的机会,胜败乃身教之本。 勇敢就像一只翱翔在天空的鹰,不畏风雨,永不停歇。 拼搏是最好的锻炼,它能够让你在任何时候都能找到希望。 不怕挫折,就怕没有勇气去面对挫折。 一次失败并非终结,而是一次成功所必需经过的一步棋。 在努力与坚持中寻找自己的价值,不要因为一次失利而放弃梦想。 成功不是一蹴而就,而是由无数个不懈的尝试和坚持组成的过程。











10、 basketball court has no coward, only those who lose the game.

11、In every failure there is a seed of success.

12、You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

13、The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

14、Don't watch the clock; do what it does: Keep going.

15、Champions are made from something they have deep inside them—a desire, a dream, a vision.

16., Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.

17., The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.

18., I can accept failure but I can't accept not trying.

19., The greatest achievement was at first and last a simple thing—commonplace even to stupidity—but it twisted things so inside me that it became luminous with meaning and purpose.

20.. If you believe you can or if you believe you cannot—you are correct.

21.. Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today’s space.

22.. Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing.

23.. You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

24.. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

25.. A winner never quits and quitter never wins.

26,, When one door closes another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do n

27,, Life shrinks or expands in proportion as one cultivates his inner circle of ability and acquaintance."

28,, Some people say I have attitude—misunderstandable."

29,, Excellence then is not an act but a habit."

30., Perseverance will ensure your victory over obstacles while luck may make some difficult moments easier.

31., Talent wins games but teamwork makes champions.

32., We all want progress; however if by change we lose sight of our humanity wherefore change us back again.

33,. Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

34., Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on th ground.

35,. All men dream: But Not equally

36، What seems impossible one minute becomes their next project

37... "Success usually comes to those who are too busy doing other things" - Nelson Mandela

38..., “You don't get anywhere by simply being lucky” - John Paul Jones

39..., “It's better to spend money like there's no tomorrow than live like there's no today.”

40..., “The best way out Is always through” - Robert Frost

41..., “Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For”

42.... "When life gives you lemons make lemonade" - Elbert Hubbard

43.... "Believe You Can And You're Half Way There"

44.... "If Opportunity Doesn't Knock Build A Door"

45... Remember why you started.

46... Never Give Up On A Dream Just Because Of The Time It Takes To Accomplish It.

47... Believe In Yourself And All That Jazz!

48...... No matter how hard life gets, just remember this: Every day brings new opportunities for growth and renewal.

49...... Surround yourself with people who inspire greatness within themselves & others around them.

50...... Always remember where come from & always give back when able.

51...... Let go of negative thoughts & embrace positive ones instead!
