作为一个人,我应该既能承受巨大的压力,又能保持清醒的头脑,这是拥有完善灵魂的一种标志。我相信,不必与命运抗争,而应顺其自然,让一切自然发展。成功没有固定的路径,我们 shouldn't be limited by traditional ways, and should not be stubborn. If one path doesn't work out, we can always try another.
I must admit that I often deceive myself into believing that I will perform best at the last moment. However, this is unrealistic. Unfinished tasks will linger in our subconscious, causing increasing pressure. It's important to face challenges head-on and complete them as soon as possible.
The hardest thing to control is oneself; if you can master self-control, controlling others becomes much easier. Sometimes, we need to let go of things like a worthless chicken leg or people who are like chewing on cotton candy – it brings us freedom and happiness.
We should not wait for someone else; sometimes the right person will appear unexpectedly on our path. Flowers bloom for only a spring, and so do humans live their lives with many things unclear or unexplained – yet this uncertainty makes life so fascinating.
If I cannot forget someone, I won't bother trying to forget him/her anyway. True forgetting happens naturally without effort needed. Loving oneself means accepting who we are today without exception – no exceptions allowed in embracing the present moment and living in the now.
In my coldest moments when all hope seems lost, there may be someone holding onto me despite their own coldness – that's what happiness feels like. The pain of being alive comes from seeing warmth and vitality yet being unable to reach out and touch it; from having everything within reach yet unwilling to extend my hand towards it; from having everything but losing myself in it all.
Time has not made me forget you but rather made me accustomed to thinking of you often. Love goes through trials but remains steadfast in its belief that true love exists somewhere out there waiting for us all – as long as we hold on tightly when that day arrives.
Sometimes a person realizes they have fallen deeply in love with another only after they part ways - realizing how much they miss them when they're gone reveals just how strong their attachment has grown over time.
As years pass by dreams lose their lightness - he begins weighing life more seriously than ever before cherishing fruit over flowers — Yeats
Life's completeness lies in forgiveness tolerance waiting & love if none of these exist even with wealth & fame life would be void of meaning — Me
One lifetime full of smiles solely for your sake blossoming into beauty