
  • 励志人物
  • 2025年02月21日
  • 他从火光中走来,如若今生相见,迷途千年也愿。 1.人生,是一场盛大的遇见。若你懂得,就请珍惜。 2.不管朋友还是恋人,当一句“算了”说出口的时候,其实就已经包含了太多的失望了。 3.爱情是一场病,是一场早早晚晚要生的感冒,总会发热几天,总会吃什么药都不管用,唯一的药就是你。 4.只是希望能有个人,在我说没事的时候,知道我不是真的没事;能有个人,在我强颜欢笑的时候,知道我不是真的开心。——张小娴










8.to不了's all call'd distant, back not go's all call'd past, not turn round's all call'd parting.

9.Wistfulness is not loneliness when it comes; it grows in the midst of bustle too; do not shun wistfulness; it will help you see yourself more clearly; the thoughts that come in solitude are often richer and heavier than those that come in noise; embrace wistfulness and you can gather strength for action if you can endure it, but if you cannot bear wistfulness, then you will miss out on the splendor.

10.A person easily gets out of someone else's world but finds it hard to get out of their own desert.

11.Humans progress from setbacks, yearn for the future from nostalgia, recover health from illness, become civilized from ignorance, rescue themselves courageously even from extreme suffering and continuously self-rescue as much as possible while helping others — this is human beings' advantage: full energy self-reflection self-correction self-growth instead of constantly complaining to others.

12.It is not pressure that knocks us down but how we cope with pressure.

13.Many people think smart people will succeed but they are wrong. Many smart people fail because they either don't put in effort or they focus on things unimportant to them which makes them lack the drive to give their best effort always since what matters most to them isn't doing anything important enough — so they're trapped inside by their own values system internally without any force driving them forward wholeheartedly.

14.Pick a posture make yourself irreplaceable.

15.The thing most people want becomes what imprisons them eventually Some people spend a lifetime fixated on love again and again getting hurt yet unable to wake up till finally becoming prisoners of love (www.lz13.cn) usually your most cherished thing would enslave you making "I" disappear — upon realizing this "I" has vanished into nothingness.

16.Faded memories like clear colors already light Past joys and sorrows as still mirrors already calm

17.Getting hurt is such an intimate matter one person hurts one person cries alone one person stands strong alone One learns growth through experience But scars ache because we always mistake another person's pain for our own then display it before unrelated strangers

18.Don't overthink those around you nor deliberately pay attention to others In this world there'll be those who make us sad jealous angry Always remember though these aren't bad folks just because we care deeply So keep at peace first learn not to care They won't harm if things don't matter much neither will annoy If they don't matter You won’t feel anger towards him/her

19.I've walked along leaving behind many opportunities lost As some connections were destined short Like dew melting away like lightning swift beyond grasp Holding back what could never be held

20.As he walks out of flames like if I were ever reborn let my soul forever roam
