
  • 励志人物
  • 2025年02月24日
  • 1.每个人都有不可理喻的地方,不要苛求别人,也不必埋怨自己。 2.有些事藏在心里是莫大的委屈,话到嘴边又觉得无足挂齿不值一提。 3.熬过了必须的苦,也尝到了久违的甜,我一个人能够过好自己的人生也就不需要你了。 4.向上进取不是为了迎合他人的意旨,而是为了充实自己。盲目地追随他人的理想和喜好,终将一事无成。 5.你说的每句话,我都很在意,即使是句玩笑话,我也会当真,请不要认为我小气








7.你是我患得患失遥不可及的梦 ,而我却是你可有可无无关紧要的人。




11.If轻易放弃, dream just a dream; only persist to the end, dreams are not just dreams.

12.If you really love someone very much, you will know that wishing her happiness with others is impossible.

13.The true disappointment is not yelling, not crying loudly, nor scolding you; it's silent and indifferent - I don't feel any connection with what you do anymore.

14.Sometimes we want more than a bowl of chicken soup; some people appear in your life to tell you: You're so easily deceived.

15.You can face the stormy weather if you can also welcome the clear sky after the rain; my every today is the cornerstone of my tomorrow - or rather, I have complete confidence in my emotional state.

16.The true disappointment is not yelling, not crying loudly, nor scolding you; it's silent and indifferent - I don't feel any connection with what you do anymore.Put down your life a bit less audience

17.Your happiness is enough for me - this means that I don't like doing this but I like you.

18.Sometimes when we've worked hard enough we realize how much better we are than we imagined; effort leads to luck! May you never disappoint yourself and never settle for life!

19.Formerly difficult things seemed now funny when looking back from afar; formerly amusing things seem now sad when looking back from afar.Stories never change but our perspective does.

20.Let go of old sorrows and save new tears for them — look up at the stars in full view yet still miss one rainbow — don't waste new eyes on old sorrows.Zhao Benshan Classic Quote: Ease up on living, there are plenty of audiences out there!
