有一天晚上,在扬州火车站候车室等车的时候,与旁边带着几大包行礼的一个老人聊天。我得知他手里并没有当天的车票,而是一天后的站票!——老人年龄在六十五岁左右,从河南安阳来的,他告诉说,被劳务输出公司给骗到了扬州打工,但结果发现,一天只给60元,而且食宿费用还要自理,这样计算下来,一个月净收入也就是几百块而已。他觉得还不如在老家,便辞职不干了;单位已经给他结清了工资,他退了宿舍带着行李到了火车站,只得将就一夜……I ask him if there is enough money for the road fare besides the train ticket, he said it's enough. So I didn't give him any money; I also looked at the food bag he was carrying, and found that he had little food, so I gave him half of my instant noodles and biscuits.
The old man thanked me and then asked me how much I earned each month. After thinking about it, I said: "It's around one thousand yuan." This might be the first time since college that I have given a lower figure when asked this question by someone less fortunate than myself; yet it is still more than what they are currently earning.
Returning home after that encounter with an elderly man who was being cheated out of his wages in a labor dispatching company led to another round of questions from my family members as to how much money I earn each month. They were curious because they knew my salary has been higher than theirs ever since our children started attending school.
How do you make 150k in a year? The answer is simple: everyone can do it. What do you want? Go out there and earn it yourself! Why are you making less than others? It's not like anyone owes you anything!
And now, let me tell you something else: no matter what your age or background may be, always remember that education matters most. You don't need to go all the way up to university level but learning must continue throughout your life.
So here we go:
1st Page
2nd Page