最近两个月来,她不停地想出各种招数,要我证明我仍然像以前那么爱她。譬如,我在外应酬,她突然打个电话来,说马上要吃某某东西,我如果不立刻送去,就是不关心她不爱她了;又譬如,我正在公司开会,她说她在某某路口迷路了,非要我立刻去接她,不然就是不爱她的…… 我被她的折腾得快要疯了,后来索性都不理she,只当没有任何回复结果,她就闹自残。
送过几次医院,那医生看我的目光都不一样了。我真是百口莫辩啊。冤死了I all. 要说从前I am really very love her, but now I only feel that I too back, I simply is to have been down eight generations of bad luck to marry such a woman!
I want to divorce, but she will cut herself when I don't agree. She buys a small knife and cuts herself every time she's upset. Sent to the hospital several times, those doctors look at me with different eyes. I'm really helpless.
Many people say that if you can't live together happily for life, then it's better not to get married at all. But they don't understand how difficult it is for us who are already in this situation. We didn't expect our love story would end like this.
In the beginning, we were so much in love that we thought nothing could ever come between us. We shared everything with each other and trusted each other completely. But as time went by, things changed.
We grew apart without realizing it until one day we found ourselves standing on opposite sides of an abyss that seemed impossible to cross again.
She said: "Before falling in love with someone for the first time, I had dated three men but never taken any relationship seriously enough for them to leave a mark on my heart."
But then came you - a man who was single-mindedly devoted and unwaveringly loyal even when faced with my worst behavior.
You gave me your undivided attention and made me feel like the center of your world without asking anything in return except maybe some understanding of what made you tick.
And yet despite knowing all these good qualities about you - or perhaps because of them - we still couldn't make our relationship work out long-term because our interests diverged more than anyone could have imagined before marriage took place among two young souls still unsure about their own paths ahead.
Perhaps someday there'll be someone else out there waiting just as patiently as i did here; perhaps he'll listen intently while i pour out my thoughts onto his ears; perhaps he'll share his dreams & aspirations openly.
For now though? Well... As they say: "No regrets."