最近两个月来,她不停地想出各种招数,要我证明我仍然像以前那么爱她。譬如我在外应酬,她突然打个电话来,说马上要吃某某东西,我如果不立刻送去,就是不关心她不爱她了;又譬如我正在公司开会,她说she in some road is lost,非要me immediately go to pick her up,不然就是not love her anymore…… 我被her折腾得快要疯了,后来索性不理her, 打电话来I just don't answer,结果she 就闹self-harm,闹,she 特意买了一把小刀,每次就往自己身上割。她送过几次医院,那医生看我的目光都不一样了。我真是百口莫辩啊。
冤死了I all. I want to divorce but she will hurt herself if I do. So I am stuck in this miserable situation. I feel like I am cursed for marrying such a woman! She makes my life so difficult and painful.
I remember when we first met, she was so sweet and loving. But over time, she has become more and more demanding and controlling. She wants me to prove my love for her every day, otherwise she will get angry or even hurt herself.
I try my best to please her but it seems nothing is good enough for her. She always finds fault with what I do and never appreciates anything positive that comes from me.
I have tried talking to her about our problems but she just gets defensive or starts crying uncontrollably. It's like trying to talk to a brick wall.
Sometimes i feel like i'm going crazy because of the constant stress of dealing with her moods swings and irrational demands.
In the end, i think the only way out of this mess is for us both to grow up emotionally and develop healthier communication skills. Otherwise we are doomed to repeat this cycle of pain forever.
As an adult who has experienced many ups and downs in life,
[情感语录] -
Each time there's an argument,
You'll see how much you've changed,
From being someone who loves you unconditionally
To becoming someone who seeks validation through control.
[The following text should be used as a template: "When you were younger..."]
When you were younger...