说之故言之;言之不足故长言之;长言之不足故嗟叹之;嗟叹之不足,不知手之舞之足 之蹈 之也。——礼记
如果舞蹈正确,它不应该有任何多余的动作。——Fred Astaire
没有人在乎你跳得好不好,只要jump起来就行!伟大的dance者并不因为技术而伟大,是因为而伟大! ——马莎·格雷厄姆
论其诗不如听其声,听其声不如察其形。 ——汉·傅毅
11、庄严正式的dance是一种精密计划 的几何学。
12、我成长时期感情和都令我羞涩。而通过 dance,我终于可以应付自如,而不再觉得羞涩。
14、 dance衫回袖春风歌扇当窗似秋月。
15、 dance是文化的一部分,是一个人文化底蕴的一个体现。
16.dance 是语言 的母语。
17.dance 是节拍性的步调,就像诗歌一样,有韵律性。
18.dance 是脚步上的诗歌。
19 我继续 jumping, 舞蹈永恒创造者的喜悦融合。
20 在我成长期间,我对感情和都会感到羞涩。但通过 dance,我最终能够自由地表达自己,没有更多尴尬感。这让我能更好地理解生活中的每一个瞬间。我从来没有想过这会成为我的职业,但现在它就是。我一直认为,每个人都应该找到自己的方式去表达自己,这是我选择 dance 的原因之一。当我在台上时,我感到完全释放,因为这是唯一一种情况,在那个时候,没有什么能阻止我。这让我能够忘记一切,让我的灵魂得到释放,让我的身体变得更加柔软和敏感,使它们能够接受所有这些美丽的事情。在这个过程中,最重要的是让人们看到你的真实面貌,无论是在音乐或是在你的情感中,你需要让他们看到你的内心世界。你必须让人们相信,即使你是一个完美无缺的人,也仍然存在着脆弱性,所以请不要害怕展示这一点。我希望我的故事激励其他人,他们也许已经开始寻找他们自己的道路。如果他们发现 music 或 dance,那么这将是一个非常好的开始,因为它允许我们以一种独特且强烈的声音说话,它给予我们力量,让我们的声音被听到,并且帮助我们传递信息并与他人的共鸣。这是为什么I爱 music 和 love to express myself through it because it allows me to connect with others and share my thoughts and feelings in a way that is meaningful to both of us.I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to experience this kind of connection, and I hope that my story will inspire others to find their own path.
21 Dance is a form of expression that can bring people together and create a sense of community.
22 The beauty of dance lies not just in its technical execution but also in its ability to convey emotions.
23 Through movement, dancers can tell stories that transcend language barriers.
24 Dance has the power to evoke strong emotions and create a lasting impression on audiences.
25 It's not just about the steps; it's about the feeling you get when you're dancing.
26 Dancing is like painting with your body.
27 Dance is an art form that requires discipline, hard work, and dedication.
28 It's not just about moving your body; it's about expressing yourself through movement.
29 The rhythm of life is like the rhythm of music or dance - we all move in time with each other.
30 When I'm dancing, I feel free from everything else around me.
31 My journey as a dancer has taught me so much about myself - what I'm capable of achieving if I put my mind into something 100%!
32 To be able to express oneself without words, using only movements - isn't this what makes life beautiful?
33 In order for someone who doesn't understand English or Spanish or any other language for that matter could still enjoy our performance & appreciate our message without needing translation! That alone was worth all those long hours practicing & perfecting every detail
34 Every dancer brings their own unique energy & style onto stage which makes each performance special
35 For some reason when they say "dancing" they don't mean "moving" - there must be something more than just physical motion involved
36 Music speaks louder than words do
37 With every step comes an opportunity for self-expression