
  • 励志人物
  • 2025年03月19日
  • (一)经济年度人物: 曹国伟:新浪首席执行官兼总裁 【颁奖词】他不断刷新媒体的定义,勇立浪首。十年弄潮,他用资本魔方立门户方圆。 沈文荣:沙钢集团董事局主席 【颁奖词】在全行业集体低迷的背景下,他演绎着乡镇企业变身500强的传奇。他有草根的韧性,钢铁的坚强。 俞敏洪:新东方教育集团董事长 【颁奖词】一个曾经的留级生,让无数学子的人生升级;他从未留过洋,却组建了一支跨国的船队





















10.Liu Jiemin: East Soft Group Co., Ltd., Chairman and CEO

[The awarding speech] "Soft power, hard logic." Eighteen years of exploration, rising in the East He embedded China's "chip" into the world.

(II) Annual Innovation Award:

1.Liu Haitao: Expert on the Internet of Things, Deputy Director of Shanghai Microsystem & Information Technology Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

[The awarding speech] He extended the boundaries of the Internet, enabling communication between people and things without barriers; in high-tech fields, he discovered a new blue ocean for China to shout out loud.

2.Yin Weidong: General Manager of Beijing Kexing Biotech Products Co., Ltd.

[The awarding speech] In humanity's fight against H1N1 influenza virus defense war, the first glimmer appeared from the east side with his vaccine injection; he defended life for all Chinese people and injected confidence.

(III) Public Welfare Award:

1.Cao Dechang: Founder and Chairman of Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd.

[The awarding speech] He donated 70% wealth to charity; Cao Dechang is a symbol that philanthropy starts from wealth.

2.Yu Pengnian: Founder and Chairman of Pengxin Group Co., Ltd.

[The awarding speech] Many entrepreneurs consider profit as their lifetime goal; Yu Pengnian dedicated his entire life to society by giving warmth to others even at age 87 after exhausting all his wealth.

(IV) Nomination Award:

1.Wang Xin: Chairman and President of Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited

[The awarding speech] Besides being successful in strategic acquisition through Felix Resources Corporation, Wang Xin is also an industry pioneer who emphasizes systematic innovation in mining technology and operating models...

2.Lei Changzheng (Lei Chang): "First Hepatitis B Rights Advocate"

[The Award Speech]: With one man’s determination using one food hygiene health certificate proof for hepatitis B carriers group fighting for fair employment life environment equal education opportunities...
