创新奖:尹卫东 刘海涛
公益奖:曹德旺 余彭年
提名奖:王信 雷闯
10年商业领袖奖:柳传志 张瑞敏 王健林 李东生 魏家福 马蔚华 王石 宁高宁 马云 马化腾
曹国伟 - 新浪首席执行官兼总裁
沈文荣 - 沙钢集团董事局主席
俞敏洪 - 新东方教育集团董事长
李书福 - 浙江吉利控股集团董事长
董文标 - 民生银行董事长
【颁award] 走路飞快的小个子,领导着民字头航母。善于危机中掘金,他实现最大IPO。助力四万中小企业,使细流汇成江海,以民为本,生生不息。
靳海涛 - 深圳创新投资董事长
【颁reward] 以创业板舞台,以中小企业主角扎根本土打造梦工厂,是导演让更多故事变成传奇;是伯乐给千里马插翅膀,让梦想起飞。
梁昭贤 - 广东格兰仕集团有限公司总裁
【额ward] 面对危机带领格兰仕积极进攻,与调整商业营销模式,在卖场货架上基本出现产品都是格兰仕生产的。
谭跃 - 江苏凤凰出版传媒集团公司董事长
【頒reward] 他是文化产业创意先锋,从体制关山飞越到市场考验以一连串大刀阔斧改革构建第一个百亿中国出版界巨头—凤凰从此涅槃。
徐留平 - 重庆长安汽车股份有限公司董事长
【頒reward] 以自主品牌名义吹响中国汽车集结号。在2009年百年重装上阵新征程走自己的路天地宽,为中国“芯”嵌入全世界提供了可能?
10.Liu Jirong — East Soft Group Co., Ltd Chairman and CEO
[Academic Award Speech]: "Soft" strength, hard principle; 18 years of exploration, rising from the east.
(二)Annual Innovation Awards:
1.Liu Haitao: Internet of Things expert, Deputy Director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Microsystem & Information Technology Institute.
[Academic Award Speech]: He extended the boundaries of the internet, enabling people to communicate with all things without obstacles; in high-tech fields, he discovered a new blue ocean for China's voice to be heard.
2.Yin Weidong: General Manager of Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Co., Ltd.
[Academic Award Speech]: In humanity's fight against H1N1 influenza, the first glimmer appeared in the east through his work on vaccines; by injecting confidence into all Chinese people with a single vaccine dose.
(三)Public Welfare Awards:
1.Cao Dewang: Founder and Honorary Chairman of Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd.
[Academic Award Speech]: With over 70% wealth given away, Cao Dewang embodies a Chinese entrepreneur's character; De precedes Wang in front and brings joy to China.
2.Yu Pengnian: Founder and Honorary Chairman of Yunda Express Group Inc.
[Academic Award Speech]: Many entrepreneurs consider profit their lifelong goal but Yu Pengnian dedicates it all to society at age 87 giving warmth that endures beyond wealth dispersal.
(Four)Nomination Awards:
1.Wang Xin: Chairman & President at Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited,
[Awarding Words]
Except for his strategic acquisition success at Felix Resources Corporation,
he is also an industry pioneer who emphasizes systematic innovation in mining technology and operational models…
2.Lei Changzheng: “The First Hepatitis B Rights Activist”
[Awarding Words]
He used one food hygiene health certificate proof to secure equal employment opportunities for hepatitis B carriers group members,
and fair access to education resources as well as social participation rights based on equality criteria by advocating for their rights since then.
2013感动中国十大人物事迹及頒獎詞 (Dedication)
2013感动中国十大人物頒獎詞 (Speech)