
  • 励志人物
  • 2025年03月19日
  • (一)经济年度人物 曹国伟:新浪首席执行官兼总裁 【颁奖词】他不仅是互联网行业的先锋,更是创新精神的象征。他以博客为起点,引领了网络时代的变革,用数字魔法塑造了新媒体界。 沈文荣:沙钢集团董事局主席 【颁奖词】在逆境中求存,他用坚韧不拔的人格魅力,带领企业从乡镇走向世界。他的故事,是对中国企业家精神的一次最美丽诠释。 俞敏洪:新东方教育集团董事长 【颁奖词】一个曾经留级生


















【acclaiming award语录】


9、徐留平: 重庆长安汽车股份有限公司董事长

[accolade and praise] 他吹响自主品牌之号,在百年厂史重启时期引领中国汽车崛起。新征程展望未来,无限宽广。

10、刘积仁: 东软集团股份有限公司董事长兼总裁

[glowing tribute]



1.Liu Haite: Internet of Things expert, Deputy Director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Microsystem & Information Technology Institute

[Awarding speech]

He extended the boundaries of the internet, enabling seamless communication between humans and things; in high-tech fields, he discovered a vast new blue ocean for China, making its voice heard around the world.

2.Yin Weidong: General Manager of Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Co., Ltd.

[Awarding speech]

In humanity's battle against H1N1 influenza, he pioneered a breakthrough that brought hope to all; with one dose of vaccine, he safeguarded life and instilled confidence in every Chinese person.

(三)Public Welfare Award

1.Cao DeWang: Chairman of Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd.

[Awarding speech]

By relinquishing 70% wealth, Cao DeWang has elevated his character as an entrepreneur who puts philanthropy above profit; his name is synonymous with warmth and light for fellow human beings.

2.Yu PengNian: Chairman of PengYan Group Co., Ltd.

[Awarding speech]

Among numerous entrepreneurs who prioritize profits as their ultimate goal, Yu PengNian stands out by dedicating his entire fortune to society at large; this selfless act has illuminated countless lives through his unwavering dedication until age 87.

(四)Nomination Award

1.Wang Xin: Chairman & CEO - Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited (China)

[Awarding speech]

Beyond successful strategic acquisitions like Felix Resources Company Limited (Australia), Wang Xin is recognized for being a pioneer in resource industries who emphasizes systematic innovation in mining techniques and operating models...

2.Lei Chang:

Awarded as "The First Person Advocating Hepatitis B Rights"

Award Speech:

With courage unyielding before adversity,

Lei Chang used a single health certificate proof to secure equal employment opportunities for those infected with hepatitis B – thus breaking barriers towards fairer living conditions & equitable education prospects alike among affected groups nationwide!
